- The scenery is especially breathtaking in autumn and winter. 秋季与冬季的景致特别秀丽。
- Objective:To investigate the reasons and prognoses of infant diarrhoea combined with con-vulsions in autumn and winter. 目的:探讨秋冬季婴幼儿腹泻并发惊厥的原因,并分析其预后。
- The drug is collected in autumn and winter, cut off, washed clean, dried in the sun, and removed from rootlet. 秋、冬二季采挖根茎(藕),切取节部,洗净,晒干,除去须根。
- Especially in autumn and winter when the air is not so unstable, cumulus clouds may merge and cover a large part of the sky. They become altocumulus. 此外,尤其是秋天和冬天时,天气没那么不稳定,积云会聚合在一起,一大片的覆盖部份的天空,出现了高积云。
- Fog is one of the severe weather events in autumn and winter in Beijing, and restrains the diffusion of the pollutant in the air. 雾是北京地区秋冬季节常见的一种灾害性天气,对大气中污染物的扩散极其不利。
- The ground temperature increased in autumn and winter, and which reduced in spring and summer.The wind speed reduced evidently after forestation. 海涂造林后在秋冬季能提高地温,春夏季能降低地温,并且能明显地降低风速;
- In one year ARE four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. 在一年里面“是”四季节:春季,夏季,秋季和冬季。
- The Chinese health minister voiced his confidence to tackle a possible next wave of flu outbreak in autumn and winter, adding China would take preventive measures in advance. 中国卫生部长称,对解决在秋冬季可能爆发的下一波流感疫情充满了信心并补充说届时中国将提前采取预防措施。
- Small and colorful plaid brings a strong visual impact.When taking it in autumn and winter, will you still fear the cold weather?We are sure you will not fear the cold weather. 细碎多彩的格子图案带来强烈的视觉冲击,秋冬时节拎上它,你还会再去惧怕秋凉冬冷吗?
- The higher morbidity in Autumn and Winter than Spring and Summer.Conclusion Gastroscopy is preferred method in upper gastrointestinal bleeding.So such patients should be c... 结论胃镜检查是上消化道出血患者首选检查方法,因此此类患者应尽快行内镜检查确诊病因从而指导治疗。
- The various wind coat and cotton-padded clothes with rubberized nylon silk have good heat preservation and excellentanti-wind result in autumn and winter seasons. 在秋冬季节用来制做各种风衣、棉衣,其保暖性好,防风效果更佳。
- Though qingyuan is the origin place of “qingyuan chicken”, local people seemed crazy more about eating goose, for local people,casserole goose is the most popular dish in autumn and winter. 虽然清远以鸡闻名,但清远人似乎更钟情于吃鹅,“母鹅煲”是秋冬清远人的最爱。
- Injection of virazole and calciferolis calcii colloidon into Zusanli(ST 36) was used to treat 100 infantiles of diarrhea in autumn and winter and intramuscular injection was used as control. 方法:运用病毒唑、维丁胶性钙穴位注射足三里穴治疗秋冬季腹泻患儿100例,并与肌肉注射病毒唑、维丁胶性钙组作对比观察。
- The autumn and winter passed uneventfully. 秋冬两季平静无事地过去了。
- Farmers plough on in their fields in autumn and spring. 农夫于秋天或春天犁地。
- The routine nutritive components and gross energy contained in samples of Pennisetum sinese gathered from east suburban area of Kunning City in autumn and winter seasons were determined. 对产于昆明东郊的皇竹草秋季和冬季样品的常规营养成分和总能含量进行了测定,结果显示:冬季鲜样水分含量为79。
- It is concluded that the height and the ultrastructure of the seminal vesicle epithelia have seasonal fluctuations with high secretory activity in autumn and winter, low secretory activity in summer. 以上结果推论精囊上皮高度和微细构造具有季节性波动,秋、冬之分泌活性高,夏季之分泌活性低。
- Ok, spring, summer, autumn and winter. 好的,春天、夏天、秋天和冬天。
- Who said achromatic colour autumn and winter.... 首页>>风景名胜>>谁说秋冬无色。。。。。
- They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. 它们是春季,夏季,秋季和冬季。