- Be honest, you'll make a fortune out of the investment. 说实话,你会从此投资中发一笔财的。
- We recouped the show's expenses from ticket sales. 我们从门票收入中赚回演出的费用。
- He realized a large sum on the investment. 他从那笔投资中捞了一大笔钱。
- What is the investment proportion of both parties? 双方投资比例是多少?
- I want kown the invest environment of your country. 我想了解一下贵国的投资环境。
- He took a big chance when he made the investment. 当时他投资时是冒了大风险的。
- Mr. Black realized a large sum on the investment. 布莱克先生从那笔投资中捞了一大笔钱。
- The insurance company will recoup the farmers for the loss caused by the flood. 保险公司将就洪水速成的损失给农民们以补偿。
- Cash flows must be fixed throughout the investment. 现金流在整个投资期间都必须固定。
- Third, it helps recoup the tax revenue lost to illegal gambling. 第三,它有助于弥补税收损失非法赌博。
- It will be well worth the investment. 它是物有所值的投资。
- A: Is it about the investment market? 是不是有关投资市场的?
- The investment in the securities bankrupted him. 在证券业的投资,使他彻底破产了。
- The investment returns a profit. 那笔投资可取得利润。
- The operation is part of a large effort to recoup the billions of dollars that investors lost when the extensive Mr Madoff's investment fraud was uncovered. 这个行动是为了赔偿投资者所做的巨大努力的一部分。当时,麦道夫巨额投资骗局被揭穿后,这些投资者被骗去数十亿美元。
- The Investment Canada Act (cont. 天内,向加拿大投资局提交通知。
- Mr.Stringer said he welcomed the investment. 斯金格则对DIC的投资表示了欢迎。
- Since starting production, cumulatively it has realized composite economic benefits of 1.06 billion yuan and earned 48.56 million US dollars through exports and remittances, which is enough to recoup the total fixed investment of the first project phase. 投产以来累计实现综合经济效益十点六亿元、出口创汇四千八百五十六万美元,相当于收回了一期工程的静态总投资。
- Ask its recoup the total loss that cause (in the car advocate below the circumstance of nonexistent fault) . 要求其赔偿造成的全部损失(在车主不存在过错的情况下)。
- Father willed me the house and my sister the income from the investments. 父亲把房子遗赠给我了,把投资收入遗赠给了妹妹。