- records issue date 记录发送日期
- Please specify name of publication and issue date. 广告,请注明期刊名称及发行日期。
- Issue is the security's issue date. Issue为有价证券的发行日。
- The contribution please indicate authors and issue date at first. 来稿请注明作者和最初发表日期。
- Record issues into a defect-tracking system. 在错误跟踪体系中记录测试结果。
- For interest at maturity items, the number of days from the issue date to the maturity date is used. 在计算到期付息的利息时指发行日与到期日之间的天数。
- It sets the price and issue date for the bonds and requires them to be underwritten by the state's commercial banks. 在经济放缓的过程中,最重要的事情是什么?
- T-bills are short-term securities that mature in one year or less from their issue date. 国库券是一种到期时间在一年或一年内的短期债券.
- One or more phonograph records or tape recordings issued together. 一张或多张唱机唱片或录音磁带联合发行。
- Still have, this announce mentions issue date only, did not make clear date of expiration. 还有,这份通告只提到发布日期,没有注明截止日期。
- A Press Release schedule will be planned according to the issue date of publications and 2. MarCom Manager will initiate topics of Press Releases. 新闻发布将根据出版物的出版日期事先做好计划,公关部经理将主动地发掘新闻题材。
- Press Release schedule will be planned according to the issue date of publications and 2. MarCom Manager will initiate topics of Press Releases. 新闻发布将根据出版物的出版日期事先做好计划,公关部经理将主动地发掘新闻题材。
- A letter of credit that guarantees a seller (beneficiary) that the terms set forth cannot be canceled/modified without consent after the issue date. 一个与受益人保证不得在双方不知情的情况下,在其签发后对相关条例再进行更改/撤销的信用证。
- If registration is not performed within 21 days from the issue date of the Access Code Notice, your Access Code will be automatically revoked without any further notice. 如你没有在启动密码通知书发出后21天内登记你的通行密码,你的启动密码将被自动取消,税务局不会作另行通知。
- Issue date of Health Certificate, name (typewritten) and signature of official veterinarian of the Competent Veterinary Authority of the exporting country/region. 证书的签发日期、输出国家/地区政府兽医主管部门签证官方兽医姓名印刷体和签字。
- TID will base on the date the application is received and the end date of the relevant activity/ issue date of the trade publication to determine whether the application is late. 本署会以接获申请的日期及活动结束的日期/刊物出版日来决定申请是否过期。
- A company issuing bearer share certificates shall record the number of such share certificates, their serial numbers and their issuing dates. 发行无记名股票的,公司应当记载其股票数量、编号及发行日期。
- The remained 80% of the registered capital shall be paid within one year since the issuing date of business license. 注册资本的其余百分之80%25应在营业执照核发后的一年内缴交完毕。
- He is raking through old records for information. 他在过去的记录中找寻资料。