- The reclamation of flooded or marshy land. 海滩荒地的围垦对水淹地或沼泽地的开垦
- The flush of rainwater was welcomed by the farmers. 倾泻的雨水正是农夫们梦寐以求的。
- The reclamation of water and steam can d... 水回用和蒸汽的回收降低了成本。
- His trough had an inch of rainwater in it. 它的食槽里面积了一英寸的水。
- reclamation of rainwater 雨水资源化
- The researchers call for more productive use of rainwater. 研究者呼吁对雨水更有效的利用。
- The researchers call for more productive use of rainwater . 研究员提倡更多的利用雨水。
- Analysis of RO membrane application in reclamation of waste-water. 反渗透膜在污水处理回用中的应用案例分析。
- Reclamation of Jiangxi Yongping Copper Mine Waste Dump Site with Vegetations. 江西省永平铜矿排土场植被复垦
- One of the methods to make possible the reclamation of coal-based products today is to turn coal into gas and coke . 今天,可能回收煤的副产品的方法之一是把煤变为煤气和焦碳。
- Therefore, the corrosion is caused by erosion of rainwater during ocean shipping. 因此,这些腐蚀是海运途中雨水的浸蚀造成的。
- Therefore, the corrosion was caused by erosion of rainwater during ocean shipping. 因此,这些腐蚀是海运途中雨水的浸蚀造成的。
- Reclamation of hillsides with a slope of over 25 degrees for cultivation of crops shall be prohibited. 禁止在二十五度以上陡坡地开垦种植农作物。
- Therefore,the corrosion is caused by erosion of rainwater during ocean shipping. 因此,这些腐蚀是海运途中雨水的浸蚀造成的。
- Now researches of 4D application are on probing phases theoretically in land reclamation of metal mine. 目前4D在金属矿山土地复垦中的应用研究在理论上处于探索阶段。
- Beside the earthen doorstep, bubbles in puddles of rainwater were whirling about like mad. 土阶边的水泡儿,泛来泛去的乱转。
- Reclamation of Wax from the Wacte Clay in Oil Refining by the Method of Liquid Membr- ane Emulsification. 液膜乳化法处理炼油厂精制石蜡废白土
- The steeper the pitch, the more effective the roof is in quickly disposing of rainwater or snow. 屋面的坡度越陡,则越能有效地排卸雨雪。
- One of the methods to make possible the reclamation of coal-based products today is to turn coal into gas and coke. 今天,可能回收煤的副产品的方法之一是把煤变为煤气和焦碳。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?