- This land was reclaimed from the sea. 这块土地是填海开垦出来的。
- Her mission was to reclaim former criminals. 她的任务是感化过去的罪犯。
- He impressed his seal on the wax. 他在火漆上盖了他的私章。
- The moon wax till it become full, and then wane. 月亮渐渐变圆直至满盈,然後再变亏缺。
- A site used for or reclaimed by such disposal. 垃圾填筑地在上面使用这种方法的或用这种方法平整出来的地
- You should use wax polish on wooden furniture. 你应在木制家俱上打上蜡。
- Candles are made of paraffin wax. 蜡烛是由石蜡做成的。
- reclaimed wax 回收蜡
- You may be entitled to reclaim some of the tax you paid last year. 你或许有权要求退回去年你交付的部分税金。
- Plasticine is soft and can be moulded, like wax, into any shape. 代用粘土柔软得很,可像腊一样捏成任何形状的东西。
- An exhibition of wax figures in a museum. 蜡像展蜡像馆中的蜡像展览
- He that have a head of wax must not walk in the sun. 自家头是蜡做成,休想太阳底下行。
- One that polishes with or applies wax. 上蜡工用蜡上光或打蜡的人
- The government is determined to reclaim the piece of land from flooding. 政府决定从洪水中挽救那块土地,恢复耕作。
- Globules of wax fell from the candle. 蜡滴从蜡烛上淌下来。
- Henrietta reclaimed him from a life of vice. 亨里埃塔使他改正了邪恶。
- It is incumbent on me to reclaim him. 劝他改过是我义不容辞的义务。
- Confucius never reclaimed land or tilled the soil. 开荒种地这件事,连孔夫子也没有做过。
- I want to reclaim some of the tax I paid last year. 我想要求归还去年缴纳的部分税款。
- Something suggestive of wax in being impressionable or readily molded. 易于操纵的人或物易受影响或摆布的似蜡之物