- Reciprocation follows only defrayal. 我们不能违背这个原则。
- IPLV is ONLY valid for single chiller, not multi-chiller system. IPLV只代表单台主机;不适用于多台主机的系统.
- Another cooling tower, chiller, or boiler becomes necessary. 另外冷却塔,制冷机,或锅炉成为必要的。
- Keep clean filter can prolong the service life of the chiller. 保持过滤网干净可以延长冷水机的使用寿命。
- Description and analysis about reciprocation experiment in colleges P.E. 高校体育互主体性教学实验的描述与分析。
- The reciprocation of others. You can't help but wonder how others think of you. 与其他人的互动.你无法克制自己不去猜想别人对于你的看法...
- Pure green is the quietest, dan La green is chiller, but very pure and fresh. 纯绿色最安静,淡蓝绿色较冷漠,但很清新。
- It is the basic requirement of eco-balance to reciprocation to environment. 人类对自然回馈是保持生态平衡的要求。
- This series chiller can customize base on the requirement of acidstant. 此系列冷水机可订做耐酸碱式。
- A chiller using this method has been running normally over one year until now. 应用该方法所设计的冷水机组已在实际中得到应用,实现了全年正常供冷。
- Reciprocation All societies subscribe to a norm that obligates individuals to repay in kind what they have received. 互惠所有的社会都认同一个准则,即每个人都要对自己的所得作出回报。
- Place fried fish roulade into fish marinate sauce above and soaked for at least12 hours in chiller. 在油炸后的鱼肉卷表层涂加鱼子酱,并在冰箱中冷藏至少12个小时。
- But in the higher control of mind and development of intellectual and spiritual reciprocation, you are somewhat inferior. 但是更高的心智控制和智力的发展以及灵性互换,你们稍微有些差强人意。
- This was a clear and direct result of the Law of Reciprocation (giving/receiving) in action. 这也是“互换(布施/获得)定律”在起作用的一个直接结果。
- The designs of chiller and radiator and unique, so the heat exchange efficiency is very high. 冷凝器及散热器设计独,换热效果特佳。
- Six principles are Reciprocation, Commitment and Consistency, Social Proof, Liking, Ahthority, and Scarcity. 六项原则是,对方的报酬,承诺,一致,社会证明,喜好,権威,稀缺。
- The designs of chiller and radiator are unique, so the heat exchange efficiency is very high. 冷凝器及散热器设计独特,换热效果特佳。
- He tells us some basic factors in this science: reciprocation, consistency and social validation. 素材摘要 In this passage the writer talks about the science of persuasion.
- Has experience in maintenance of air-conditioning, air-compressor, chiller, oil equipment, pump, etc. 有中央空调、空压机、冷冻机、供油设备、泵等的维修经验。
- Now a very useful storage area on a modern refrigerator nowadays is an area called the chiller compartment. 如今在一个现代化(或新潮)的冰箱中有一个特别有用的储藏区叫做冷却室。