- They show reciprocal affection to each other. 他们表达了彼此之间的爱慕。
- Kindly send us two samples of each class quote for. 报价时,请对每一个等级的各寄两个样品。
- It is an ideal day for a picnic. 这是一个出外野餐的理想日子。
- For all its richness and all its progress, it is not an ideal society. 尽管它很富有,也很进步,但它不是一个理想的社会。
- The average age of the boys in this class is fifteen. 本班男生的平均年龄是十五岁。
- They have a reciprocal loathing for each other. 他们互相憎恨。
- Henry is nowhere when it comes to the race for class president. 亨利在竞选级长中被远远抛在后面。
- A jeep is ideal for driving over rough terrain. 吉普车很适合在高低不平的路面上行驶。
- She got cold feet when asked to recite in class. 当她被叫起来在班上背诵时害怕了。
- Involving interchange; reciprocal. 涉及交换的; 相互的
- Our ambition is to give them a beau ideal of a welcome. 我们很想给他们以一次最隆重的欢迎。
- She was kept in for an hour for talking in class. 她因上课说话被罚留校一小时。
- He was her ideal of all that was manly. 他集男子汉所有气质于一身,是她心中的偶像。
- The cottage is an ideal place for bird watch. 小屋里观鸟的最理想的地方。
- The students in our class number thirty. 我班总共有三十名学生。
- He considered the judge his ideal. 他把那位法官视作自己的楷模。
- I was out and away the handsomest man in the class. 我是当时全班最帅的男子汉。
- They are determined to act out their ideal. 她们决心把自己的理想变成行动。
- Knighthood was an ideal in medieval Europe. 在中世纪的欧洲,成为骑士是理想。
- Soon I dropped behind the rest of the class. 不久我就落在班上其他同志后面了。