- His plans are a recipe for disaster. 他的计划后患无穷。
- That had been a recipe for disaster and not for development. 这是会导致灾难而不是发展的处方。
- Waiting until the night before a test to study is a recipe for disaster. 直到考试前的晚上才看书是考试糟糕的由因。
- She said that five small boys on skis was a recipe for disaster, not a holiday. 她说五个小孩都站在滑雪棍上简直就是制造灾难的办法,而不是去度假。
- We medicate him without psycho therapy. That is a recipe for disaster. 我们没有用治疗精神病方法对他施予治疗,对于他来说是会给他带来灾难的处方。
- Agricultural analyst H.S. Dillon says this is a recipe for disaster. 食品价格的上涨使人担心,甚至有更多的人会陷入贫困。
- Letting her organize the party is a recipe for disaster(= something that is likely to go badly wrong). 让她来组织这次聚会非坏事不可。
- Add to that the overpacking that we see so often in chain markets and you have a recipe for disaster. 一般来说,红酒配红肉(牛羊肉这类,生的时候为红色的肉),而白酒配白肉。
- But to the traditionalists, the Glassman analysis amounts to nothing less than changing the rules to fit the game, which they see as a recipe for disaster. 但对传统,格拉斯曼分析数额不亚于改变规则,以适应游戏,因为他们看到,作为一个食谱灾难。
- His plans are a recipe for (ie are likely to lead to) disaster. 他的计画後患无穷。
- That's a recipe for disaster! 这造成灾难!
- If you have the personnel to allow one or two players to be creative outside of your tactical framework then by all means, indicate to them that they are free to strut their stuff, but allowing it en-masse is a recipe for disaster. 如果你有合适的人选,你可以允许1,2个球员在你的战术体系之外自由发挥,但是不论如何,让所有人都拥有高度自由只是取祸之道。
- But now, thanks to the recession and the millions of layoffs it has spurred, many younger couples far from retirement age are discovering that being together 24/7 can be a recipe for disaster. 但是现在由于经济的衰退或上百万失业人员的扩散,一些离退休还很早的年轻夫妻发现一周7天每天24小时都呆在一起的能避免灾难。
- He knows the recipe for this dish. 他知道这道菜的烹饪方法。
- He thinks the one recipe for success lies in hard work. 他认为成功的唯一诀窍在於勤奋。
- He gives a very good recipe for cakes. 他传授了非常好的糕饼制法。
- They would not ask the state for disaster aid. 他们不肯向国家要求救济。
- What is your recipe for success? 你取得成功有什麽窍门?
- Is the world heading for disaster ? 世界正走向灾难吗?
- I've got a good recipe for fudge. 我有一套做奶油软糖的好方法。