- In the Recently used file list, click the number of files that you want to display. 在“最近使用的文件列表”中,单击要显示的文件数。
- If the list of recently used files isn't displayed, click Options on the Tools menu, click the General tab, and then select the Recently used file list check box. 如果菜单上没有显示最近使用的文件列表,请在“工具”菜单上,单击“选项”,单击“常规”选项卡,再选中“最近使用的文件列表”复选框。
- The "Most recently used" list is missing from the File menu, and the "Recently used file list" option is unavailable in Office XP and in Office 2003 "最近使用文件列表"选项"最近使用"列表是从文件菜单,丢失,可用在OfficeXP和Office 2003中
- recently used file listn. 最近使用文件清单
- Also adds the form to the list of most recently used files. 同时,将该表单添加到最近使用的文件列表中。
- Customize the list of recently used files 自定义最近使用的文件列表
- Menu handler for Most Recently Used files 把最近使用的文档放入
- A good demo of the use of Drive, Directory, and File List Boxes. 对于驱动器的用法,目录和文件列表框都是一个很好的演示。
- A set of file extensions used to filter the file list. 用于筛选文件列表的一组文件扩展名。
- The default set of file extensions used to filter the file list. 用于筛选文件列表的默认的文件扩展名集合。
- If a custom report file is deleted, the next time that the item is selected, a prompt will appear to delete the item from the most recently used list. 如果某个自定义报表文件已删除,则下一次选择该项时,系统将提示您从最近使用的文件列表中删除该项。
- The list of most recently used presentations appears at the bottom of the File menu and at the top of the New Presentation. 最近使用的演示文稿列表出现在“文件”菜单的底部和“新建演示文稿”任务窗格(任务窗格:Office程序中提供常用命令的窗口。
- Q: Why can't I browse some people's file list? 问:为什么我不能浏览某些用户的文件目录?
- We also keep track of most recently used reports. 还可以跟踪最近使用的报告。
- Found inaccurate index. Updating file list... 发现有错误索引。正在更新文件列表...
- Refresh Local File List Automatic. 自动刷新文件列表,建议勾选。
- Refresh Remote File List Automatic. 自动刷新远程文。
- RESTORE LOG can now include a file list. RESTORE LOG现在可以包括文件列表。
- Returns a file list from the current directory. 返回当前目录的文件列表。
- ERRORLEVEL: Lists the error code of the most recently used command. 列出了最近使用的命令的错误代码。