- In recent times the price of just about everything has gone up. 近来差不多样样东西都涨价。
- The above was just a quote until recent times. 以上只是举直到近代。
- Belonging to present or recent times; modern. 近代的属于现在或近期的; 现代的
- Voyages through space were unthought-of till recent times. 不久以前,说到太空旅游是不可思议的。
- And Rao Zongyi, a master of Sinology in more recent times. 以及近代的国学大师饶宗颐。
- Voyages through space were unthought - of till recent times. 不久以前,说到太空旅游是不可思议的。
- Nor does he omit the plagues, famines and diseases which made life a lottery for everyone, rich or poor, until the most recent times. 直到现在,他没有疏忽使人人(无论贫富)生活都不得安宁的瘟疫、饥荒和疾病。
- In recent times, pollution has gone from bad to worse all over the world. 近来污染在全世界日益严重。
- The trend of religious thought in recent times (James Harvey Robinson). 近些时候宗教思想的趋势(詹姆士·哈维·罗宾逊)。
- Nunn is regarded as one of the top theatrical directors of recent times. 纳恩是公认近年来顶尖的舞台剧导演之一。
- Until recent times, airline companies used to publish air timetables. 直到最近,航空公司才停止刊印航空时刻表。
- I more recent times, thi truth ha ee expre ed as: April hower ring May flowers. 近来这一真理被阐述为:四月的雨带来五月的花。
- Some craters and volcanoes, however, have been named for women of recent times. 但有些环形山或火山也使用了近代女子的姓名。
- The separation of church and state applied to church schools up to the recent times. 政教分离直到近代还适用于教会学校。
- In recent times the most striking exports have been in the vocabulary of lacrosse and hockey. 在近代最突出的外来词是有关长曲棍球和曲棍球运动方面的词汇。
- In recent times, toasts have become rude, perfunctory and vulgar, reflecting a general fall in manners and eloquence. 近来,敬酒变得粗鲁、率而又庸俗,这表明人们的礼节和口才大不如前。
- In recent times, glass and reflections have taken over the interfaces of everything in sight. 最近,“玻璃”效果和“倒影”效果在所有可视界面上大行其道。
- An example from recent times would be the facts obtained from the Apollo missions. 如果从现代来找例子,则可以举出“阿波罗号”飞行所获得的事实。
- In recent times the Faraday effect has been put to even more exciting and promising uses. 目前,法拉第效应还有更令人鼓舞的,有前途的应用。
- In recent times,though still exerting a tremendous influence on Fiat,and its subsidiaries which included Ferrari,Agnelli was appointed honorary chairman. 尽管近年来阿涅利对菲亚特集团及其包括法拉利公司在内的各产业公司仍有非常大的影响,但他只被委任为名誉董事长。