- At the time, received text messages of the industry, most of them skeptical. 中英文对照:当时,收到短信的业界人士,大多半信半疑。
- At the same time, He Yang Qing, vice president of Gome, also began to receive calls from reporters and reporters from the above-mentioned received text messages. 中英文对照:与此同时,国美电器副总裁何阳青,也开始接到来自记者的电话,并从记者处得到了上述短信的内容。
- A system which receives text from a source ( a computer or terminal etc. ) and produces the corresponding spoken output. 一种能从某个源(计算机或终端等)接收正文并产生相应的语音输出的系统。
- Twitter is a communication network that enables users to send and receive text based posts of up to 140 characters (known as "tweets"). 之后我到佛罗里达州做了一段时间的自由撰稿人,然后到德克萨斯州找我姐姐时我知道了自己下一步想要干什么。
- Outlook 2007 Mobile Service is a feature of Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 that enables you to send and receive text messages between Office Outlook 2007 and any mobile phone. Outlook 2007手机信息服务是Microsoft Office Outlook 2007的一项功能,使用该功能,您可以在Office Outlook 2007与任何移动电话之间收发短信。
- Outlook Mobile Service is a feature of Outlook that enables you to send and receive text and picture messages between Office Outlook 2007 and any mobile phone. Outlook Mobile Service是Outlook的一项功能,通过该功能,您可以在Office Outlook 2007与任何移动电话之间收发文本消息和图片消息。
- Do you mind reading hack the text of my message? 你把我的电文重念一遍,好吗?
- He handed round the letter he had just received. 他把刚收到的那封信给大家传阅。
- John handed round the letter he had just received. 约翰把刚收到的信给大家传阅。
- Read the text first and then explain the new words. 先读课文,然后解释生词。
- He richly deserved the punishment he received. 他受到的处罚是罪有应得。
- Have you received our remittance? 你方是否已收到我方汇款?
- The book contains scandalous text. 该书含有诽谤性的内容。
- The actress received numerous floral tributes. 那位女演员接受了许多献花。
- He received a serious wound in the battle. 在这次战斗中他受了重伤。
- She received severe head injuries in the accident. 她在事故中头部受了重伤。
- You will find the text somewhere in the Bible. 你会在圣经里找到这段文章。
- We were received with enthusiasm. 我们受到热烈的欢迎。
- The boy read out his text clearly. 这男孩清晰地朗读课文。
- The merchant had received a shipment of tea. 这个商人收到了一船茶叶。