- Flower beds receive attention from a pest control worker. 防治虫鼠人员在花槽放置鼠药,杜绝鼠患。
- He received attention at the hospital. 他在医院里得到护理。
- Dyslexia also affects adults, but those who receive attention early in life often learn how to compensate for the disability by adulthood. 失读症也影响成人,但那些早期受到注意的失读症者,常常学会如何弥补成年时期的不利条件。
- For example, the first half of 2007 HSN poor performance, "all the other good performance are therefore unable to receive attention. 举例来说,2007年上半年HSN表现不佳,“其他所有良好表现都因此无法获得关注”。
- Site-specific assessments and unconventional or high-profile assessments are more likely to receive attention from a risk manager. 定点评价和非传统或高关注度的评价更易得到风险管理者的关注。
- Your letter is to hand,ie has reached me and is receiving attention. 来函敬悉.
- KVM often has been long regarded as dispensable standby equipment, until 1995 before beginning to receive attention, of course, the development of the middle there is a background factor. KVM常久以来一直被视为可有可无的备用设备,直到1995年才开始受到重视,当然这中间的发展是有其背景因素。
- Methlotrophic yeast and fission yeast S.pombe have received attention as a good foreign genes expression system. 甲醇营养型酵母和裂殖酵母作为外源基因表达的有效系统,正引起人们广泛研究。
- Keep in mind WoW is a work in progress and each class is receiving attention from the Devs. 请记住魔兽世界还在开发中,每个职业都被开发人员关注着。
- Because he's not receiving attention, he plans to switch allegiance to a new master. 因为不受重视,他打算改换门庭,另投他人。
- Instead,only one side of the balance - the need to protect creative works (or more accurately,in the modern world,the corporations that own many of them) is receiving attention. 相反,只有一个目标,即保护创造性的作品(或者更准确的说,在现代社会中,拥有很多版权的公司),受到重视。
- Surges have always existed on power systems, but it is only in recent years, with the advent of extensive VCR and PC use, that they have received attention. 冲击始终存在于电力系统中,但由于近年来广泛使用vcr和PC机,才使这种冲击开始引起注意。
- The synthesis of hybrid planar five-bar mechanism with a new design methodology, design for control(DFC) , has received attention from moer and more researchers. 混合驱动平面五杆机构设计及其面向控制设计的研究越来越受到研究人员的重视。
- Golconda West plate, as a result of high territory adjacent city rail transportation, Times elevated road, traffic facilities, Listing new site received attention. 宝山西区的板块中,高境因紧邻江湾镇轨道交通、逸仙路高架,交通便利,上市新盘颇受关注。
- I receive a letter from her in her neat script. 我收到她的字体很工整的来信。
- As an important factor in the pathophysiologic mechanisms of ischemic cerebrovascular disease, the changes of cerebral hemodynamics have received attention. 作为缺血性脑血管病病理生理学机制中的一个重要因素,脑血流动力学状态改变已经引起人们的重视。
- It is unpleasant to receive anonymous letters. 接到匿名信是一件令人不快的事。
- A loud noise from the street diverted my attention. 街上一阵喧闹声转移了我的注意力。
- On average we receive five letters each day. 我们平均每天收到五封信。
- We receive several new typescripts a day. 我们一天收到几份打出的文稿。