- His hair is beginning to recede from his forehead. 他的头发开始从前额往后秃了。
- The company decided to recede from a bargain. 公司决定撤销买卖合同。
- It is a gross departure from promise. 这严重地违反了你方的诺言。
- The manager has receded from his promise to increase wages. 经理未能履行增长工资的诺言。
- The government has receded from its promise to control prices. 政府未能实现控制物价的诺言。
- Some galaxies recede from us at 1,000 kilometers per second, others (those twice as distant) at 2,000 km/s, and so on. 有的星系以每秒1000公里的速度远离我们,有些(距离两倍远的那些)则是每秒2000公里,以此类推。
- Some galaxies recede from us at1,000 kilometers per second, others( those twice as distant) at2,000 km/ s, and so on. 有的星系以每秒1000公里的速度远离我们,有些(离两倍远的那些)是每秒2000公里,以此类推。
- School and home seemed to recede from us and their influences upon us seemed to wane. 学校和家庭似乎离我们越来越远了,对我们的约束也越来越松了。
- CRU expects aluminium prices to recede from these high levels if no further supply shocks occur. CRU预计,如果没有发生进一步的供应危机,铝价将从当前的高位回落。
- But until the total reaches some grim round number, the stories recede from the front page and the top of the evening newscast. 但直至达到总有些严峻的轮数,故事消退,从头版和上方的晚间新闻。
- Those who have signed the draft but not ratified it can decide as to whether or not to recede from the treaty within a year. 未完成批准程序的签字方,可在一年内做出是否退出的决定;
- The coast slowly receded from the ship. 海岸缓缓地远离船只。
- The floods gradually receded from the fields. 洪水从田野里逐渐退去。
- The article receded from the newspaper. 这篇文章从报纸上撤下了。
- His forthright voice receded from the lobby. 他那直率的声音从门厅里逐渐消失了。
- As we gained height,the ground receded from view. 我们越升越高,地面逐渐从我们视野中消失。
- As we gained height, the ground receded from view. 我们越升越高,地面逐渐从我们视野中消失。
- His forthright voice receded from the lobby . 他那直率的声音从门厅里逐渐消失了。
- As time passed,his facial features receded from my mind. 随着时间的推移,他的容貌在我的脑子里变得越来越模糊。
- I would feel that the teacher and the pupils were receding from me. 我觉得老师和同学都离开了我。