- On the basis of these precious materials, this paper explores the reasons and methods of the coining of English newspaper neologisms. 基于这些珍贵的资料,本文探讨了英文报刊新词产生的原因和形成的方法。
- The reasons and analysis of quality defects of popular application of vertical rebar electroslag pressure welding in engineering are introduced and methods are presented in the paper. 本文阐明了竖向钢筋电渣压力焊在工程中广泛应用后产生的质量缺陷的原因及分析和如何解决这些缺陷的措施。
- In conceptual design, to the extension knowledge expression, decompounded and integration, optimization and solution, reason and evaluation, it raises several new theories and methods. 分别在概念设计可拓知识表达、分解与综合、优化与求解、推理与评价等方面提出了若干新思想、新原理与新方法。
- He prepares to go mad with fixed rule and method. 他准备对死板的规则与方式大闹一番。
- This paper analyzes in detail the reason and method of accounting frauds in listed company, and has put forward some countermeasures of preventing accounting frauds in listed companies. 文章详细分析了目前上市公司会计造假的原因和方法,并针对其原因和方法提出了遏制上市公司会计造假的具体对策。
- But I think our offer is reasonable and realistic. 不过我认为我们的报价是现实的、合理的。
- The principles and methods of such a movement or of its adherents. 自然论这样运动或其拥护者的原则和方法
- It is congenial with reason and common sense . 那是符合情理和常识的。
- Based on the theories and methods above, a2-D FFEM program, which can simuIate the construction and impoundment of CFRD,is developed, and examples show that the program is reasonable and reliable. 根据上述理论和方法,编制了可以模拟施工和蓄水过程的二维模糊有限元计算程序,经算例考核,程序正确可靠,而且程序通用性强,并不限定模糊参数隶属函数的形式。
- He prepares to go mad with fixed rules and methods. 他准备对死板的规则与方式大闹一番。
- Give the reason and tell what time he can come. 并告知原因及你到达的时间。
- Unfamiliar with mathematical concepts and methods. 对数学概念和方法不熟悉的
- You are the reason and the rhyme. 你就是我活着的全部理由。
- Reason and speech, which bring men together. 理性和言语把人们集合在一起。
- Theories and methods of spatial analysis in GIS II. 空间分析理论与方法2。
- He saw reason and gave up smoking. 他听从了劝告而不抽烟了。
- Add attributes to describe assemblies and methods. 添加用来描述程序集和方法的属性。
- Which should reason and affection believe more? 理智和情感更应该相信哪一个?
- CIM classes consist of properties and methods. CIM类由属性和方法构成。
- The reason and mechanism of EI Nino Phenomenon? 厄尔尼诺现象产生的原因和机理?