- reasonable economic person 理性经济人
- Administrator :"Economic Person"or "Public Person"? 行政人员:“经济人”还是“公共人”?
- The successors of Smith made the hypothesis of economic person more and more utilitarian, reasonable and formal, so the hypothesis loses its original ethics idea. 斯密的后继者对经济人假设的界说越来越功利化、理性化、程式化并失去其原来的伦理意蕴。
- Meanwhile we are prepared to fulfill the reasonable economic obligations on our part and discuss the matter with you. 同时,我们准备承担我方应负的合理的经济责任,并就此事和贵方商谈。
- Its ravages must be reduced to a level where reasonable economic return can be achieved. 它的危害程度必须减少到能够得到合理的经济收入为度。
- Si Mi derives from hoggish heart of the mankind " economic person " assume and " invisible hand " . 斯密从人类的利己心导出“经济人”的假定和“看不见的手”。
- Finally, the whole project is up to compacted plan, smooth process flow, reliable and advanced technology, convenient production and reasonable economic benefit. 最终使整个工程部署紧凑,流程顺畅,技术先进可靠,生产方便,经济合理。
- Moral person of Si Mi is to have those who sympathize with a heart, and his economic person is hoggish, to this, he does not have an explanation. 斯密的道德人是有同情心的 ,而他的经济人则是利己的 ,对此 ,他没有解释。
- How of desalt government " economic person " part, in order to establish sincere letter government, ought to be taken seriously more. 如何淡化政府的“经济人”角色,以建立诚信政府,更应当受到重视。
- The purpose of economic person behavior is hoggish, the method is altruistic, because this is altruistic,bring about hoggish. 经济人行为的目的是利己 ,手段则是利他 ,因此利他导致利己。
- Economic person with be a purpose egoistically, the morality with human society is culminating accuse begging is to suit, consistent. 经济人以利己为目的 ,与人类社会的道德终极诉求是相适应、相一致的。
- This text analyzes the reasons of Budget Slack at first, then from the angle of human nature supposition, namely "economic person" and "moral person" ,puts forward some advice. 首先剖析预算松弛的成因,然后从人性假设的视角,即“经济人”与“道德人”的视角提出缓解预算松弛的途径。
- One signs the friend of FAMA chairs in I and friend " economic person club " hair post, derivative an issue that how comments on Chinese economist comes. 一位署名FAMA的朋友在我和朋友主持的“经济人俱乐部”发帖,引出如何评论中国经济学家的一个问题来。
- It's the issue of what the science says, plus what's feasible politically, plus what's reasonable economically to do," Oppenheimer says. 这是个科学上怎么说,政治上什么可行,加上经济上什么合理的问题, ”奥本海默说。
- "Economic person " the concept already made modern society " egocentric " , " economy is consummate " the academic fountainhead that waits for value concept. “经济人”理念已成为现代社会“利己主义”、“经济至上”等价值理念的理论源头。
- It is feasible technologically, and reasonable economically to adopt Sf Al-Fe instead of pure aluminium for deoxidation in steel making arc furnace. 在电弧炉上应用硅铝铁取代纯铝炼钢脱氧,技术可行、经济合理、钢质量可靠。
- No matter officeholder is economic person, society person, still be complex person, have oneself consumptive desire, accordingly, social standard is the first. 无论公务员是经济人、社会人,还是复杂人,都有自己的消费欲望,因此,社会规范是第一位的。
- reasonable economic compensation 合理经济补偿
- Whether hegemonic country or non-hegemonic country as a rational economic person, the existence of opportunistic tendencies is in varying degrees, leading to international cooperation uncertainty. 不论是霸权国家还是非霸权国家,作为理性的经济人,都在不同程度上存在机会主义倾向,导致了国际合作的不确定性。
- But I think our offer is reasonable and realistic. 不过我认为我们的报价是现实的、合理的。