- college rear service socialization reform 高校后勤社会化改革
- rear service socialization reform in colleges and universities 高校后勤社会化改革
- On the social reform of college rear service 关于高校后勤社会化改革问题的探讨
- Abstract: The paper mainly analyses how to strengthen the financial management for rear service socialization in colleges. 摘要:文章主要分析高校后勤向社会化转变过程中如何做好财务管理工作。
- Survey of problems to be solved urgently in the course of the reform of putting rear service socialized in universities 初探高校后勤社会化改革迫切需要解决的若干问题
- socialization reform of rear service 后勤社会化改革
- Influence on the New Promoted Campus Security after the Social Reform of the Rear Service and Strategy 新升格高校后勤社会化对安全工作的影响及对策
- Universities rear service socialization 高校后勤社会化
- university rear service socialization 高校后勤社会化
- Social reform of rear service 后勤社会化改革
- On the Principle of Serving the Public Good in the Reform of Rear Service Socialization in the Institutions of Higher Education 论高校后勤社会化改革中的公益性原则
- He became an active social reformer. 他成了一位积极的社会改革家。
- The politician was a famous social reformer. 那位政治家曾是著名的社会改革家。
- He tackles problems appertaining to social reform. 他负责处理与社会改革有关联的问题。
- The solution lies in social reform. 解决的办法是进行社会改革。
- In 1943 he acted in a play demands social reform. 1943年他参加演出了一个要求社会改革的戏。
- His early experience turn him into a passionate social reformer. 他早年的经历使他变成了一个狂热的社会改革者。
- The Nodus and Countermeasure during the Innovation about Rear Service Socialization 高校后勤社会化改革的难点与对策
- In 1943 he acted in a play demanding social reform. 1943年他参加演出了一个要求社会改革的戏。