- Land usufruct is the purpose of land use right. 摘要土地收益权是土地使用权的目的。
- realization of land use rights 土地使用权实现
- How to establish the deadline of land use right mortage? 土地使用权抵押期限如何设定?
- Certification of land use rights for establishing the shops (1 Xerox) and/or property lease agreement (1 Xerox). 拟开设店铺所用土地的使用权证明文件(复印件1份)及(或)房屋租赁协议(复印件1份)。
- The valuation of land use rights is to be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of laws and administration regulations. 土地使用权的评估作价,依照法律、行政法规的规定办理。
- The valuation of land use rights is to be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations. 土地使用权的评估作价,依照法律、行政法规的规定办理。
- Inspection focused on the transfer of land use rights for auction listing system and the implementation of the agreement transferring land use rights. 检查的重点是土地使用权招标拍卖挂牌出让制度的落实和协议出让土地使用权的情况。
- To do without financial strength, the deadline can not start to recover land use rights, to prevent hoarding of land by land resources wasted. 对确无资金实力、不能在限期内动工的,收回土地使用权,防止囤积土地造成土地资源浪费。
- Wu access to land tenure, the use of the original plant opened casings plant was run to the use of land use rights for commercial. 吴某获得土地使用权后,利用原来的厂房开起了肠衣厂,刘某则利用获得的土地使用权兴建商住楼。
- Article 10. Mortgaging of land use right means that landusers mortgage mortgageable land use rights as a guarantee forclearance of debts. 第十条土地使用权抵押,是指土地使用者提供可供抵押的土地使用权作为按期清偿债务的担保的行为。
- The appraisal of land use rights shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the relevant national statutes and administrative regulations. 土地使用权的评估作价,依照法律、行政法规的规定办理。
- The author maintains that the law should stipulate a term after the acquisition of land use right and before the housing being constructed. 作者认为,法律应该对宅基地使用权的取得与房屋的建造之间规定一定的期限。
- Strengthen land titling and land management, regulate the transfer of land use rights, letting, management and allocation of land use rights mortgage market management. 加强土地产权登记和地价管理,规范土地使用权转让、出租、抵押管理和划拨土地使用权入市管理。
- All practices of transferring the land use right of a piece of land inside the territory of the SEZ by inviting tenders shall be conducted according to the present Measures. 对滥用职权,徇私舞弊的,视情节轻重,分别给予批评或行政处分,直至提交司法部门依法处理。
- In the body of the emblem visited home, Gaobeidian village leadership is very supportive of Wang Zheng Qing, Wang extremely low prices to obtain nearly five acres of land use rights. 在参观过工体的徽宅之后,高碑店村领导十分支持汪政清,汪以极其低廉的价格获得了近5亩土地的使用权。
- A land development construction fund shall include government collected land payments on the compensatory transfer and assignment of land use rights, value-added tax on land and land use fees. 土地开发建设基金包括土地使用权有偿出让和转让中政府收取的地价款、土地增值税和土地使用费。
- Rhine today home to disclose the company's subsidiary in Nantong Co., Ltd.莱茵达home a few days ago to sell the way through the list, King was nantong R9014 Plot of land use rights. 莱茵置业今日披露,公司下属控股子公司南通莱茵达置业有限公司日前通过挂牌出让方式,竞得南通市R9014号地块土地使用权。
- If after sale of land use rights collateral, the bank once exercise Mortgages, together with the land use rights to land new housing auction houses will face a situation of the Housing landless. 如将土地使用权抵押后再预售,银行一旦行使抵押权,将该土地使用权连同土地上新增房屋一起拍卖,买房人将面临有房无地的处境。
- Beijing formulated on the basis of law and the allocation of land catalogue is a catalogue of determining the allocation of land use project sites could take earmarking land use rights. 而北京市根据法律规定制定划拨用地目录,属划拨用地目录确定用途的项目用地,可以采取划拨方式供应土地使用权。
- Clearing of land for development and construction, investigating illegal seize and occupy land, the land-for not, the transfer of real estate development projects and buying land use rights. 清理各类开发建设用地,依法查处非法圈占土地,土地久占不用,违规转让房地产开发项目和炒买炒卖土地使用权行为。