- reality versus dream 现实与梦幻
- This change did introduce fuzziness into the picture, but this fuzziness is more of a reflection of reality versus a mistake in the UML 2 specification. 这一改变确实把模糊引入图中,但是这一模糊更多的是UML 2规范中对抗错误的一个现实反射。
- Our scheme reinterprets this duality in an effort to signify the relationship between two opposite conditions, living versus the departed, reality versus the subconscious, solid versus void. 我们的方案重新演绎阴阳两极的两元性,以突出生与死,现实与潜意识,实体与真空的关系。
- Her dream to enter the famous university came true. 她要进入名牌大学学习的梦想实现了。
- Life's primordial reality is spirit. 生命的根本真实性是精神。
- One's school life seems happier in retrospect than in reality. 人们的学校生活回想起来要比实际上的快乐。
- The only step between dream and reality is action! 梦想与现实其实就差一步,那就是行动!
- Get the stardust out of your eyes and face reality. 抛弃天真的想法而面对现实。
- The attainment of her ambitions was still a dream. 她要实现抱负仍是一种梦想。
- I felt a certain indisposition to face reality. 我多少有些不愿意面对现实。
- It was his dream to play football for his country. 他的理想是加入国家足球队。
- I am anxious to compare my fancy with reality. 我焦切地把我的想象同现实作一番比较。
- I'd never dream of allowing my child to do that. 我决不允许我的孩子做那种事。
- That poor madam has lost all contact with reality. 那位可怜的夫人脱离了现实生活。
- Trust you to dream up a crazy scheme like this! 亏你想得出这种异想天开的计划!
- Mr Green is a professor in name but not in reality. 格林先生是徒有虚名的教授。
- That's a matter of outs versus ins. 那是在野党人与执政党人的对抗。
- I shouldn't dream of doing such a thing. 我做梦也不会想到做这件事。
- The big match tonight is England versus Spain. 今晚的大赛是英格兰对西班牙。
- It often happens that thinking lags behind reality. 思想落后于现实的事是常有的。