- Capital Airport Real Estate Company Ltd. 首都机场房地产有限公司。
- Xinxiang Pohang real estate company is now the CEO. 现在是新乡金海房地产公司的总裁。
- The real estate company is showcasing many new houses in the newspaper. 该房地产公司在报纸上展示了多款新房型。
- Looking for love. Have been in the USA for 20 years. Currently working as generanl manage for real estate company. 寻找爱,在美国已经20年
- Our customers deserve the best services ever provided by any real estate company. 我们的客户必将获得房地产机构所能提供的最好的服务。
- Commodity houses of our real estate company all face south. They are cool in summer and warm in winter. 本房产公司所有商品房,一律面南,冬暖夏凉。
- He was eventually bailed out by a private real estate company that he partially controlled. 最终,他通过一家他持有部分股份的地产公司保释。
- And real estate companies also accused Fook-made reply. 而被告中福地产公司也针锋相对作出了答辩。
- Real estate companies were refuted by the same lack of objectivity. 房地产商们的反驳同样不够客观。
- Gabilan Properties - Full service real estate company with offices in Hollister and Gilroy. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- Kaoru Kondo (Mi Mula played) this year, 30-year-old, character seriously, in the real estate company when the clerk. 近藤薰(米姆拉饰)今年三十岁,性格认真,目前在不动产公司当业务员。
- At the opening ceremony, Lu Arts According to Yang Yuan Hsin real estate company an ebullient opening statement. 因此,中国投资界和企业家很少涉足这一领域。
- We are a German Real Estate Company, building houses and subdivisions and sell the apartements. 我们是一家德国房地产公司,服务项目包括建设房屋、土地及公寓大楼销售。
- Network Po industry real estate company planning manager Zhengying said that no living landscape era is over. 天鸿宝业房地产公司策划部经理郑颖说,没有景观的居住时代已经过去。
- "The status quo of supervision units, Ya'an City, Sichuan, a real estate company that said. 对监理单位的现状,四川雅安市的一家房地产公司经理担忧地说。
- At least 5 years working experience in real estate company with architect certificate or overseas education backgroundis an advantage. 中级以上职称,五年以上房地产企业工作经验,具备建筑师资格或有海外留学经验者优先。
- Listed real estate companies and share placements funding severely restricted. 房地产企业上市和配股筹资受到严格限制。
- Real estate companies were different launch dates were deceived or default? 房产公司签不同的交房日期是否是欺骗或违约?
- Guangzhou Assurance Manager Lu Gang strong real estate company, said : "A viaduct put the whole piece of commercial networks destroyed! 广州金盛房地产公司的副总经理吕帮强说:“一条高架桥就把整片商业网点毁掉了!”
- Mr Lau is a family real estate company mister, because of cash flow problems have occurred, and therefore often get hock OK. 刘先生是某家房地产公司的老总,由于资金周转不灵的情况时有发生,因此经常涉足典当行。