- real right subject 物权主体
- Finding the right subject is the hardest part. 找到最适合拍摄的对象是最难的。
- Bill of Lading a Voucher of Real Right? 也论提单是否物权凭证?
- Article 6 The creation, alteration, alienation or termination of the real right of a realty shall be subject to registration in accordance with law. 第六条不动产物权的设立、变更、转让和消灭,应当依照法律规定登记。
- The defect in the abstract theory of the juristic act of real right can ... 不过,缺憾的存在并不可怕,我们可以通过造就恶意失权制度,以矫正物权行为无因性规则的缺陷。
- As the criterion of private law,Intellectual Property Law has many limits to the right subject,for supporting the viewpoint of interests equilibrium. 作为私法规范的知识产权法为何要对知识产权的权利主体作出诸多权利限制,隐藏其中的是利益均衡理念的支撑。
- How to choose the right subjects at GCSE, A-level and IB? 怎样为普通程度、高级程度及国际文凭证书课程选科?
- The creation or alienation of the real right of a chattel shall be delivered in accordance with law. 动产物权的设立和转让,应当依照法律规定交付。
- Whether or not the Theory of Real Right Act is Acknowledged by Civil Legislation and Judicature in China? 我国现行民事立法、司法是否承认物权行为理论?
- In legislation, we admit that register of real property is symbol of real right change. 我国立法承认,房地产登记是物权变动的标志。
- Through the study, penman think cause of formation of acquisition in good faith is relativity nature of real right. 通过对于善意取得的成因研究,笔者认为物权的相对性是善意取得制度的成因。
- The law bestows the preemption right on the co-owners, which is characterized as a legal right and also a real right. 摘要共有人的优先购买权是法律赋予共有人的权利,其权利具有法定性、物权性。
- Now that the planet's overrun with murderous zombies, and all of her professors are dead, Zoey at least has the cold comfort that she's been studying up on the right subject after all. 但现在这个星球上充满了杀气腾腾的僵尸,她的教授也都死了,佐伊至少可以倒吸一口凉气庆幸自己当时学习的科目还算正确。
- Moreover, the typical real right and the innominate real right should be paid attention to equally in the legislation. 为了维护民法体系的稳定性和开放性,应在公示基础上采用物权自由的立场,在立法技术上则要兼顾有名物权和无名物权。
- The protection of the third party's interests in real right alternation is a very important issue in market economy. 善意第三人保护问题是研究交易安全维护的一个非常重要的问题。
- However, the present reason of constituting right of dwelling don't provide a legal basis for real right law‘s. 因此,通常意义所说的居住权是民法意义上的物权的角度出发,而且是为了特定人的居住房屋的需要。
- Should Extinctive Prescriptions be Used to the Claim of Real Rights? 物权请求权是否适用诉讼时效之探讨?
- Shall Civil Law of Our Country Adopt Juristic Acts of Real Rights or not? 我国民法是否应采纳物权行为?
- The Real Right Behavior Theory, ever since it was proposed, has invited wide debates. 自物权行为理论创立以来,该理论引起了广泛的争论。
- "Our main goal was to get at Real right from the start," the Dutch forward told LFC Magazine. “比赛开始,我们的目标战胜皇马。”荷兰前锋告诉利物浦杂志。