- real fight juristic acts 物权行为
- juristic act of real fight 物权行为
- John put up a real fight to overcome the disease. 约翰为征服疾病,进行了不屈的斗争。
- It wasn't a real fight, just a scrap. 那并不是真正的打架,只是彼此推推搡搡罢了。
- Shall Civil Law of Our Country Adopt Juristic Acts of Real Rights or not? 我国民法是否应采纳物权行为?
- The defect in the abstract theory of the juristic act of real right can ... 不过,缺憾的存在并不可怕,我们可以通过造就恶意失权制度,以矫正物权行为无因性规则的缺陷。
- The juristic act of real right has been controversial from its naissance,and the theoy itself has lots of problems to be clarified. 物权行为理论自其诞生起就褒贬不一,在我国,对该理论本身有许多问题需要澄清。
- Hmmm...TaiChi looks a lot like wrestling in real fight. 太极这么慢,怎么打赢出手快的人呀?
- The juristic act of real right has been controversial from its naissance, and the theoy itself has lots of problems to be clarified. 摘要物权行为理论自其诞生起就褒贬不一,在我国,对该理论本身有许多问题需要澄清。
- As the theoretical foundation of system of change of real right, theory of juristic act of real right is created by civil law of Germany. 作为物权变动制度的理论基础,物权行为理论为德国民法所创制。
- A juristic act may take any form, unless a specific form is provided by law. 法律规定是特定形式的,应当依照法律规定。
- An agent shall perform civil juristic acts in the principal's name within the scope of the power of agency. 代理人在代理权限内,以被代理人的名义实施民事法律行为。
- An agent shall perform Juristic Acts in the principal's name within the scope of the power of agency. 代理人在代理权限内,以被代理人的名义实施民事法律行为。
- Two, real fights are technically messy. 二,真实格斗技术上是肮脏的。
- He made one of his real fighting speeches, and I must say he fairly mopped up the rival candidate. 他作了一次真正战斗性的演说,应该说他完全击败了他的竞选对手。
- Any civil juristic acts performed by a person with capacity for civil conduct during the period in which he has been declared dead shall be valid. 有民事行为能力人在被宣告死亡期间实施的民事法律行为有效。
- The constitution theory of Civil Juristic Acts (CJA) which is an important system in civil law science causes widespread debate. 摘要民事法律行为制度作为民法学领域的一项重要制度,其构成要件理论引起了人们的广泛争鸣。
- Kurita could count on them to give the Americans up ahead a real fight, and die for the Emperor if they must. 栗田相信,他们能够痛击前方的美军,并且如果为形势所迫,都将捐躯报效天皇。
- Article 30 A common-of-piscary right license shall not be the subject of other rights or juristic acts other than inheritance and transfer. 第30条(入渔权利用之限制)入渔权,除继承及让与外,不得为他项权利或法律行为之标的。
- If what ought to be a stroll in the park in November becomes a real fight, then the Democrats will know who to blame. 如果在十一月本应是公园中轻松的散步却成了一场真正的斗争,那么民主党人应当知道去责难谁。