- This risk depends on real estate transactions to prevent strict vetting degree. 这种风险的防范取决于房地产交易中心的审核严格程度。
- Real estate development and real estate transactions have also been years of no good momentum of development. 房地产开发和房地产交易的幅度也出现了多年未有的良好发展势头。
- Mainly owing on the loan in advance and the withdrawal marked increase in turnover reduction, some real estate transactions, shopping center hall. 主要表现在撤销和提前还贷明显增加,成交量减少,一些房地产交易中心大厅内冷冷清清。
- Make full use of real estate transactions and management authority registration information to the real estate tax management and ensure that all collectable revenue. 充分利用房地产交易与权属登记等信息,加强房地产税收管理,做到应收尽收。
- This will be kept by the Beijing land and resources and the Housing Authority, the Commission hosted Beijing urban construction, real estate transactions host Beijing. 本次房展会是由北京国土资源和房屋管理局、北京市城乡建设委员会主办,北京市房地产交易所承办。
- Network Corporation from the Beijing Huilongguan of housing development and construction of three real estate transactions in the day before yesterday in Beijing center-opened. 由北京天鸿集团公司开发建设的回龙观经济适用房三期于前天在北京市房地产交易中心低调开盘。
- Land is a fundamental component of any real estate transaction. 土地是房地产的一个基本组成任何交易。
- RCD District expenditures recommended the establishment of a District real estate transactions for processing transactions of second-hand housing registration convenience of the public. 民盟海珠区总支建议海珠区建立一个房地产交易所,争取受理二手房屋交易登记,方便市民。
- Impossible before long, the exchange of information through the network and through strategic alliances, franchising, retail, and other forms of real estate transactions will become a reality. 用不了多久,通过网络交换信息,并通过战略联盟、特许经营、直营等形式,实现不动产交易的可能性就会变为现实。
- Real Estate Mortgages deregistration not completed, the center will no longer accept transfer of real estate transactions to buy a new set of registration and borrowing Mortgages registration. 未办妥房地产抵押权注销登记的,各房地产交易中心不再受理转移登记以及买进方新设定的借款的抵押权登记。
- During the meeting, Minister of Construction Yu Zhengsheng, a real estate transaction, denouncing the charges. 会议期间,建设部部长俞正声痛斥了房产交易中的乱收费行为。
- Escrow is a neutral party to holds funds, acts upon documents and follows the instructions of the parties to a real estate transaction. 一方认为是一个中性代管资金以下行为经指示文件和房地产交易当事人.
- Attendee brochure 参观商手册
- Sold granted, the applicant test written approval, to the location of housing management for the real estate transaction process. 准予出售的,申请人须持书面批准意见,到房屋所在地房地产交易管理部门办理有关手续。
- The perfect of real estate registration is important to the maintenance of the order of real estate,to the real estate transaction security and the covenience of transaction. 完善不动产登记制度对于维护不动产物权秩序,保障不动产交易安全和交易便捷具有重要意义。
- In a real estate transaction, the buyer often needs more help than a seller, because they are making a long term commitment and need to ensure they are buying well. 在房地产交易中,相对于卖方而言,买方往往需要更多的帮助,因为他们正在做出长远的决定,必须确保他们作出合适的购买行为。
- She is advised to invest in real estate. 有人建议他投资于房地产。
- The real estate business is thriving. 房地产生意兴隆。
- He invested all his money in real estate. 他把钱全部投资房地产。