- Real Estate Finance is the win-win activity between developer and capital. 房地产金融是地产开发与金融资本的互利共赢活动。
- Case taught by an adjunct faculty member who has a real estate finance practice. 案例教导由具有不动产财务实务经验的副教授担任。
- Real Estate Finance: Concepts and techniques used to analyze and finance income-producing real property. 房地产金融管理:介绍涉及房地产金融、财务的概念和分析及筹措建设资金的技巧。
- Real Estate Capital Markets: Examination and analysis of the growing integration of real estate finance and global capital markets. 房地产资本市场:检查和分析房地产金融财务状况和全球资本市场。
- Mortgage-backed securities (MBS), originated in the U.S. and introduced into China in 2005, is a vehicle for real estate finance. 摘要房地产证券化是一种房地产金融工具,起源于美国,在我国尚起步。
- The Journal of real estate finance and economics. services@wkap.nl. www.wkap.nl. The Journal of risk and insurance. aria@pipeline.com. 寿险合同隐含期权理论综述(4)-陈辉的博客-中国保险学会博客
- Deepening the knowledge in the two specializations Real Estate Investment & Management and Real Estate Finance, Valuation & Development. 深化两个专业知识,房地产投资与管理和房地产金融,估价与发展。
- The second part: we analyze how development of China’s REIT affects perfection of real estate finance structure and finance efficiency. 第二部分为从多角度分析了发展中国房地产信托对房地产金融市场结构的完善和金融效率的提高。
- Coyle in the "real estate finance summit" negative "rate speculation" and said, "Of course, I also believe that the renminbi is undervalued. “根据严格的投资流程,基金的投资要求只关注此项物业的升值空间。”
- "Construction Bank of China Shanghai Branch Assistant Director of the Department of Real Estate Finance Min deodar cedar in an interview this statement. 建设银行上海分行房地产信贷部主任助理闵雪松在接受采访时这样表示。
- Real estate financing by pawning a risk tingle, whose nerve? 房地产融资借助典当个中风险刺痛谁的神经?
- Ren Zhiqiang, saying that as long as the real estate finance leaders also head of households in the bank, which will always have a sword of Damocles of the day ended. 任志强说得好,只要房地产资金龙头还系在银行户头上,这把达摩克里斯之剑就总有落下的一天。
- Real estate investment trusts real estate financing can start out predicament? 房产投资信托基金启动地产融资能否走出窘境?
- The breakthrough? China real estate financing where the breakthrough. 中国房地产融资该从哪突围?作者:来源。
- In the current of real estate commodity and nummular,study the risk of real estate finance and fence with risk,will be very import to the development of the real estate finance in 21 century. 在房地产商品化、货币化的大趋势之下,研究房地产金融投资的风险及防范,对进入21世纪房地产金融的发展是极其必要的。
- Yangtze River Delta, held recently in the 2004 International Forum on real estate and finance, real estate finance investment in many industry has become the main focus of attention. 在近日举行的2004长江三角洲地产与金融国际论坛上,房产融资投资成为当今众多业内人士所关注的主要焦点。
- At the same time the other side of real estate investment high rebound, direct means excessive focus on real estate finance, and other aspects of the entire investment even weakened. 同时房地产投资高位反弹的另一面,直接意味着资金过度集中于房地产、而其它方面甚至整个投资被削弱。
- In the current of real estate commodity and nummular, it will be very important to the development of the real estate finance that studying the risk of real estate finance and fence with risk. 在房地产商品化、货币化的大趋势下,研究房地产金融风险及防范,对已经进入21世纪中国房地产金融的发展是极其必要的。
- Therefore, no delay is brooked to take active measures to guard against real estate financing risk, especially that of commercial banks. 因而采取积极措施防范房地产金融特别是商业银行的房地产金融风险已是刻不容缓。
- Therefore, those who simply think that the current real estate financing structure is irrational remarks is not accurate. 因此,那些单纯认为现行房地产融资结构不合理的言论是不准确的。