- real estate contract of native place association 会馆房地契约
- These ti a ly to writing all kinds of agreements: office leases, real estate contracts, sales agreements, employment contracts, equipment leases, prenuptial agreements. 这些招数适用于各种合同,比如,办公租赁合同、不动产合同、买卖合同、劳动合同、设备租赁合同、婚前协议。
- These tips apply to writing all kinds of agreements: office leases, real estate contracts, sales agreements, employment contracts, equipment leases, prenuptial agreements. 这些招数适用于各种合同,比如,办公、不动产合同、、劳动合同、设备、婚前协议。
- She is advised to invest in real estate. 有人建议他投资于房地产。
- real estate contracts online record system 房地产网上备案
- The real estate business is thriving. 房地产生意兴隆。
- He invested all his money in real estate. 他把钱全部投资房地产。
- 4.Will be collateralized mortgage contract signed by the two sides, loans to the real estate contract for ; 4.;将抵押双方签署的抵押合同、贷款合同送房地产登记部门审核备案;
- Lost money in the real estate bubble. 在做房地产投机买卖中亏了本
- Studies on Real Estate Contracts from Sippar in Old Babylon Period 古巴比伦时期西帕尔地区不动产契约研究
- Made a bundle selling real estate. 通过卖不动产赚了一大笔钱
- He has all his money tied up in real estate. 他把他所有的钱都投资到房地产上了。
- They are low now and hold real estate. 它们现在价格低,又持有房地产。
- They speculated heavily in real estate. 他们大量投机炒作房地产。
- We devote to serving mainland business real estate. 全方位服务于国内商业地产领域。
- FuShun group is mainly in the real estate industry. 福顺集团是一家以房地产为主业的集团公司。
- It"s a prime hunk of real estate. 这是真实时期主要的一大块。
- He owns considerable real estate. 他拥有相当可观的房地产。
- There is the recent boom in real estate. 最近房地产生意很景气。
- He made a fortune in real estate. 他在房地产上发了财。