- reader of translated text 译文读者对象
- If you have large amounts of any kind of translated text you would be willing to share with us, please click here to let us know. 如果您有大量任何类型的翻译文本要与我们共享,请单击此处通知我们。
- In our project, the total word count of translatable text is 5,400. 在我们的项目中,可译文本的总字数是5,400字。
- I am a regular reader of this newspaper. 我是这份报纸的长期读者。
- Who was the reader of this article? 谁是这篇文章的校对人?
- In other words, the resulting translated text is to be seen as evidence of a transaction, a means of retracing the pathways of translators' decision-making procedures. 换言之,译好的译文被看作是一种交际活动的体现,一种追溯译者决策程序的途径。
- Thus translation should be Ternary Relation: the author, the translator and the reader of translation. 这种交际是一种包括原文作者、译者和译文读者在内的三元关系。
- The translation of text from one human language to another by a computer that learned how to translate from vast amounts of translated text. 简单的说,机器首先对过去大量的译文进行学习和对比,然后再进行实际的翻译。那么实际效果如何呢,下面我们来看一段英译
- A translated text should be true to the purpose of the original. 译文必须忠实于原文的主旨。
- After importing them into the TM application, the project word count functionality will give a word count of translatable text. 完成导入后,项目字数统计功能将会对可译文本进行字数统计。
- He's a great reader of science fiction. 他很喜欢看科学幻想小说.
- He's a shrewd reader of human nature. 他是个能敏锐察识人性的人。
- Each of these tools includes a word count functionality, which, after all files have been analyzed, generates the word count of translatable text in the software. 每种工具包括字数统计功能,当所有文件都分析过后,生成软件中可译文本的字数统计。
- My suggestion: Keep the content of translatable tags as flat as possible, i.e. try to have translatable text that does not contain much HTML and TAL code. 我的建议是:尽可能保持可转换标记简单化,尝试可转换文本不包含太多HTML和TAL代码。
- She's a compulsive reader of romances. 她热中于阅读爱情故事。
- Avid reader of The Nation magazine. 国家杂志的忠实读者。
- He is a better reader of the game than Louis Saha. 他能比萨哈更好的阅读比赛。
- Final proof-read of translated training materials. 校审培训资料。
- He was not even an avid reader of books. 他甚至不是一个喜欢读书的人。
- Translation process is actually one kind of cognitive activity, in which the quality of comprehension and expression to the original text plays a decisive role to the quality of translating text. 摘要翻译过程实际上是一种认知活动过程,这个活动过程中对原文意思的理解和对原文的转换表达的质量对译文的质量起着决定作用。