- In fact, they're married. They a re part of a new generation of workaholics with clashing schedules and long work ing hours, whose only hope of a chat and some conjugal rights to meet up at the end of the week. 实际上,他们是夫妇,是新一代工作狂的一份子,双方日程满得相冲突,都工作到很晚,他们惟一能聊聊天及行使夫妻间权利的指望就是在周末来个约会。
- In fact,they're married. They a re part of a new generation of workaholics with clashing schedules and long work ing hours,whose only hope of a chat and some conjugal rights to meet up at the end of the week. 实际上,他们是夫妇,是新一代工作狂的一份子,双方日程满得相冲突,都工作到很晚,他们惟一能聊聊天及行使夫妻间权利的指望就是在周末来个约会。
- He doubles the parts of a farmhand and a miner. 在这出戏里他既扮演雇农又扮演矿工。
- The various parts of the car are bolted together. 这辆汽车的各种配件是用螺栓装在一起的。
- I want to speak to you re your behaviour. [口]关于你的行为,我想跟你谈一谈。
- There will be rain in all parts of the country. 全国各地将有雨。
- Oil the moving parts of this machine regularly. 要定期给这部机器的运转部件上油。
- Re your letter of 1 September ... 关於您9月1日的来信 ...
- I pieced out the machine with scrap parts. 我用破铜烂铁拼成了这台机器。
- In addition, we supply small parts for replacement. 此外,我们还提供备用小零件。
- Analyze the sentence into its constituent parts. 把这条句子的各个成份加以分析。
- Parts of the film were shown again in slow motion. 影片的一些部分以慢动作重放。
- This coffee-maker has two removable parts. 这个煮咖啡器有两个部分,可以拆开。
- Some parts of Wales are dry on Sundays. 威尔士的一些地区星期日禁酒。
- He pointed out the interesting parts to us. 他把有趣的地方指给我们看。
- This engine is made up of 20 parts. 这台机器由二十个零件组成。
- Divide the cake into equal parts. 把蛋糕分成等份。
- The shepherd re - collect his flock. 牧人重新聚集起他的羊群。
- The bank has branches in all parts of the country. 该银行在全国各地设有分行。
- They’re saving money towards a new house. 他们攒钱想买幢新房子。