- Compared with the theoretical path, the error of the ray path got by the optimized shortest ray path tracing metho... 将该方法应用于最短射线路径追踪和折射波静校正等资料处理的过程中,可以减少运算量和运算时间。
- Discrete ray path tracing on aircraft 飞机表面绕射射线的寻迹方法
- Optimization of the shortest ray path tracing method 最短射线路径追踪方法的优化
- Ray Path Tracing on Convex Surface with Applications to Creeping Wave 凸曲面爬行波射线寻迹的研究
- ray path tracing 射线寻迹
- Promptly adjusting ray path system. 可快速调整的光路系统。
- We can quickly and properly acquire the traveltime and ray path of first-break through forward calculation on the near-surface model by using linear tranveltime interpolation ray tracing. 摘要利用线性旅行时插值射线追踪对近地表模型进行正演计算,可以快捷、准确地获得初至波走时和射线路径。
- Any outgoing ray path must be coincident with that of the returning ray. 任何出发的射线与返回的射线路径完全相同。
- The path traced by a moving point. 直线移动的点描绘出的线
- The tool maintains a simulated call stack that contains all the assemblies involved in the code path trace. 该工具维护一个模拟调用堆栈,堆栈中包含代码路径跟踪中所涉及的所有程序集。
- A simple formula for ray path is derived from the Euler equation in continuous stratified medium. 根据欧拉方程对于连续性层状介质进行了方程推导,得出一个波的射线路径公式,公式形式尤其简单。
- On every code path trace, the tool checks for the presence of declarative demands, link demands, and declarative stack walk modifiers. 对于每一个代码路径跟踪,该工具将检查是否存在声明性要求、链接要求和声明性堆栈审核修饰符。
- This prper introduces the basic function and operational method of ARPA with Ray path ARPA as an example. 本文以Raypath ARPA为例,介绍ARPA的基本功能和使用方法。
- Fix your eyes on nature, follow the path traced by her. 遵循自然,跟着它给你画出的道路前进。
- In television and facsimile, the path traced by scanning spot. 在电视和传真中,由扫描点描绘出来的路径。
- Shorter Barlows, or ones with too much magnification, only exacerbate the problem because the ray path entering the eyepiece is steeper. 短barlows,或那些太多的放大,不仅会加剧问题,因为射线路径进入目镜是陡峭。
- This paper introduces Bresenham line algorithm into the traveltime calculation of nodes to improve the accuracy of traveltime and ray path results. 在最小走时节点查寻中,结合使用快速排序算法与插入排序算法,替代以往方法中多采用的堆排序算法;
- It is difficult to locate CCP exactly due to the asymmetry of converted wave ray path and the de pendency of CCP on depth, offset, P-wave velocity, and S-wave velocity. 但由于转换波射线路径具有明显的不对称性,且转换点坐标是深度、炮检距、纵横波速度及倾角等多种因素的函数,使得CCP的定位十分困难。
- A calculation program written by MATLAB for System Matrix in ideal lenses, and by light path tracing and numerical fitting the aberration (spherical aberration) polynomial and its curve are shown. 摘要给出了理想光具组系统矩阵的MATLAB计算程序,并借助MATLAB进行光线追迹与数值拟合,得到了像差(球差)的多项式及曲线图。
- A new combinational fault simulator, PARCRIPT, which combines the merits of the concept of the parallel fault simulation and the efficiency of the critical path tracing (CRIPT), is presented. 摘要:本论文提出一快速的组合电路错误模拟器,此错误模拟器结合了并行错误模拟与临界路径追纵方法的优点。