- raw water ice 生水冰
- I like to eat ice-lolly, ice-cream and water ice. 我喜欢吃冰棒、雪糕和刨冰。
- Shanghai Municipal Raw Water Co., Led. 上海原水股份有限公司饮用水分公司。
- Let's go get water ice at the snack bar. 去小吃摊上买刨冰吧。
- Shanghai Municipal Raw Water Plc. 上海市原水股份有限公司。
- What ice will you have--water ice or cream ice? 你吃什么冷饮,冰水还是冰淇淋?
- Tai Mei Tuk No. 2 Raw Water Pumping Station. 大尾笃二号原水抽水站.
- Warm, hot, raw water three dimensions separate thoroughly. 温热生水三度空间彻底分离。
- Raw water Flux: Check whether system has sufficient raw water. 原水流量:检查系统是否具备充足的原水。
- Huge pipelines move the raw water to shallow evaporation ponds. 大型管道将未处理海水输送到浅蒸发池内。
- Features a beautiful riverside view and the historic raw water pumping station. 美丽的河滨景致与浑水抽水站古迹。
- Enceladus continues to exhale water ice into Saturn orbit, keeping the E ring topped off with tiny particles. 土卫二继续喷发冰粒到土星轨道中,使处于外围的E环充满了微小的微粒。
- Buhe raw water, to wash raw fruits, do not eat food corruption degeneration. 不喝生水,生吃瓜果要洗净,不吃腐败变质食物。
- The water iced the water pipes up. 水结成的冰已把水管覆盖了。
- Water ices up at zero centigrade. 水在摄氏零度结冰。
- So to maintain the topography of the south polar cap,there has to be water ice in there stiffening it up. 所以要想维持南部冰冠的地形,就必须有冰水使其变得坚固。
- Feldman In the north and south, there's so much of it there, it could be nothing else but water ice. 费尔德曼在火星南北两极蕴藏着如此之多的冰,除了是冰态水这外,别无可能。
- The major factor causing resistance in membrane filtration is dissolving organic matter in raw water. 黄浦江原水中的溶解性有机物是造成膜过滤阻力的重要因素。
- Low-angle water ice routes with short bulges up to 60 degrees. Still climbable with ten-point crampons. 小角度的冰坡,包含一些约六十度的凸出,用十爪的冰爪即可攀登。
- Dione is made of mostly water ice but its relatively high density indicates that it contains much rock inside. 土卫四主要由冰组成,但是表面的密度相对比较高,这就说明它内部含有一些岩石。