- ratio of input to output 投入产出比
- At economic analysis aspect, economic gain and ratio of input to ouput were increased under the compound model comparing to monocultural model. 综合评价各模式的总体经济效益,复合种植模式亩效益均高于两种作物的单作模式,其投资效益比也明显高于两种单作模式。
- Exhibiting a high ratio of output to input. 功效大的产出与投入比值高的
- In the same way, we can estimate the capacitance of CNT by the ratio of input and output signals. 同样的,利用输出与输入信号比值来换算出奈米碳管的电容值。
- Economic benefit is high, the ratio of input and output is 1:5.2. Since 1996, the transformation of abort 308 hm2 of wild bamboo forest have been made in 30 villages. 经济效益好;投入产出比1:5.;2。 从1996年以来;全县30个乡 镇推广面积达308 hm2。
- ITT's microchannel plate technology is unsurpassed in its ability to transfer a strong signal from input to output. ITT的通路板技术为输入输出的信号提供一个强大的转换能力。
- The generation interval of current breeding scheme is 4.48 years, ratio of input and output is 1:14.04, the number of ram progeny test is low, and the useful life of ram and ewe is longer and so on can be improved. 现行方案世代间隔为4.;48年;投入产出比为1:14
- Efficiency( EFF) Efficiency is the ratio of energy output to energy input, such as the ratio between the electrical energy input to a motor and the mechanical energy output at the shaft of the motor. 效率效率是输出能量与输入能量的比率,例如输入到电动机的电能与电机轴承输出的机械能的之间的比率。
- Efficiency (EFF) Efficiency is the ratio of energy output to energy input, such as the ratio between the electrical energy input to a motor and the mechanical energy output at the shaft of the motor. 效率效率是输出能量与输入能量的比率,例如输入到电动机的电能与电机轴承输出的机械能的之间的比率。
- The ratio of students to teachers is 35:1. 学生和老师的比率是三十五比一。
- The ratio of schoolboys to schoolgirls is 2 to 1. 男学生和女学生的比例是2比1。
- An example in VDS of the commission and bonus scheme not working properly is within the PDM department, where some employees have a greater input to their work with little to output to show for it, therefore losing out on their commission and bonuses. VDS提成奖金制度不成功的一个例子就是PDM部门,一些员工付出了很多,却没有相应多的产出,从而也没得到什么提成和奖金。
- Men outnumber women here in the ratio of three to one. 此地男子数量以三比一超过女子。
- In logic circuits,pertaining to outputs corresponding to a subset of input signals that will not arise. 逻辑电路中,用来说明跟输入信号的某个不会出现的子集相应的输出。
- A new or recently revised edition of input data. 输入数据的新的或最近校对过的“版本”。
- However, theFDL efficiency, i.e. the ratio of total FDL length to buffer depth is rather low in current optical bufferdesigns (normally 2/N, where N is the number of input port). 但在当前提出的全光缓存器设计中,FDL利用率即缓存容量与所使用的FDL总长度之比是相当低的(通常为2/N,其中N为输入端口数)。
- In logic circuits, pertaining to outputs corresponding to a subset of input signals that will not arise. 逻辑电路中,用来说明跟输入信号的某个不会出现的子集相应的输出。
- This relay connects one input to one output. 该继电器将一个输入连接到一个输出。
- The ratio of men to women was two to one. 男女的比例是二比一。
- In computers, a logic network in the form of an array of input leads and output leads with logic elements connected at some of their intersections. 在计算机中,由输入线和输出线阵列形成的一种逻辑网络,在它们的某些交叉点上用逻辑元件相连接。