- Ratio of induced abortion and live birth 人流活产比
- ratio of induced abortion birth 人工流产比
- ratio of induced abortion 人工流产率
- The defination of induced abortion has been complicated by a debate about when "life" can be said to begin. 人工流产的定义由于“生命”从何时算是开始的争论而复杂化了。
- Objective to observe the curative effect of compound fentanyl mixture in induced abortion and prevent the emergence of induced abortion syndrome. 目的观察复方芬太尼合剂在无痛人流中的镇痛疗效,预防人流综合症的发生。
- The definition of induced abortion has been complicated by a debate about when "life" can be said to begin. 人工流产的定义由于“生命”从何时算是开始的争论而复杂化了。
- A method of induced abortion,prior to the 14th week of gestation the embryo and placenta are removed by applying suction to the dilated cervix. 一种人工流产方法,在怀孕十四个星期以前胎儿与胎盘分离。
- Conclusion:The history of induced abortion was one of important factors of dysmenorrhea which seriously damage the physiol... 该手术所产生的副作用可对女性生理健康造成严重伤害,必须引起全社会的高度关注。
- Conclusion:The history of induced abortion was one of important factors of dysmenorrhea which seriously damage the phys... 该手术所产生的副作用可对女性生理健康造成严重伤害,必须引起全社会的高度关注。
- Objective: To probe into the possible influencing factors of induced abortion among insular female to provide scientific basis for improving reproductive health of women. 目的:探讨海岛妇女人工流产的决定因素,为提高妇女生殖健康提供科学依据。
- Conclusion: Propofol associates with fentanyl, tramadol or ketamine for the operation of induced abortion can get the satisfaction anaesthesia effect, in which small dose ketamine or tramadol complex propofol are better. 结论:异丙酚复合芬太尼、曲马多或氯胺酮应用于人工流产手术均可获满意的麻醉效果,其中小剂量氯胺酮或曲马多复合异丙酚值得推荐。
- Conclusion With good analgesic effect,uterus laxity,low probability of induced abortion syndrome and no more hemorrhage,disoprofol and nitrous oxide is good for painless induced abortion. 结论 异丙酚和笑气用于人流均有良好效果,镇痛作用强,有宫口松弛作用,可降低人工流产综合征发生率,不增加阴道出血量。
- The ratio of students to teachers is 35:1. 学生和老师的比率是三十五比一。
- It was suggested that isopropylphenol plus phentanyl anaesthesia could alleviate the p erioperational and postoperational pain and the incidence of induced abortion sy ndrome in induced abortion. 提示应用异丙酚与芬太尼静脉麻醉行人工流产术可减轻术中、术后疼痛,减少人流综合征发生率。
- The ratio of schoolboys to schoolgirls is 2 to 1. 男学生和女学生的比例是2比1。
- Conclusion: The migratory population is at the high risk, of induced abortion, for that some effect steps against high risk factors have to be brought forward and the management strengthened. 结论:流动人口是人工流产人群中的高发人群,针对其高发风险因素提出了相应的对策,重点加强管理。
- Men outnumber women here in the ratio of three to one. 此地男子数量以三比一超过女子。
- Methods Complications during labor for 268 women with a history of medication abortion, 623 women with a history of induced abortion, and 329 women in their first parities were collected and compared. 方法采用回顾性调查方法,对268例有药物流产史的初孕妇女,623例有人工流产史及329例无流产史的初孕妇女进行对照分析。
- AS is oneof the factors affecting wheat transformation. When AS (SOmg/L) was added into YEBculture medium and co-culture medium, the ratio of induced j~r ~istant calli was thehighest (84.4%). AS是影响小麦遗传转化的因素之一,YEB培养基(菌液)和共培养培养基中均加入AS 50mg/L时诱导的抗Km的愈伤组织的百分率最高(84.;4%25);
- When China's birth rate drops sharply,the annual ratio between the number of newly born babies and that of induced abortions has retained at around 1:0.3,equivalent to the medium level in the world. 中国在出生率大幅度下降的情况下,每年出生人口数与人工流产数之比保持在1:0.;3左右,相当于目前世界各国的中等水平。