- High interest rates make credit expensive. 由於利率很高; 赊购并不划算.
- The improvement of premium rate making technology in property insurance is the key to the premium rate market reform in China. 财产保险领域费率厘定技术的改进将成为我国费率市场化改革能否取得实效的关键所在。
- Sphincterotomy is currently the main treatment of DESD, but its irreversability, high failure rate and high re-operation rate make it not so acceptable to most SCI patients. 括约肌切开术是目前认为较有效的方法,但是它的高失败率和再开刀率及不可逆性,使此疗法仍无法被广泛接受。
- Create your own airfoils, automatically generate a three-part view of your model, determinethe center of gravity, make distance and area calculations, add dimensioning and receive online help. 创建你的自己的机翼,自动地产生你的模型的三部分的见解,决定重力的中心,做出距离和地区计算。
- Most bowlers tend to think a higher rev rate makes you a better bowler. 一般人都以为能打出高转速的球员才是好选手,其实并不尽然。
- Its high shrink rate makes it perfect for use on contoured containers. 其高收缩率使它适合使用的轮廓容器。
- Arise in the interest rate makes the present value of the price you pay for the share,the exercise price,lower. 利率上升,将使你所支付的转换价的现值较低。
- A rise in the interest rate makes the present value of the price you pay for the share,the exercise price,lower. 利率上升,将使你所支付的转换价的现值较低。
- A rise in the interest rate makes the present value of the price you pay for the share, the exercise price, lower. 利率上升,将使你所支付的转换价的现值较低。
- At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday. 照这样下去,我们不会有时间/钱去度假的。
- The biggest gain of refrigerant cure is local do not leave a mark, cure rate makes an appointment with 70 % left and right sides. 冷冻治疗的最大好处是局部不留痕迹,治愈率约70%25左右。
- Each tick higher in the unemployment rate makes that more likely.Already, both delinquencies and the likelihood they turn into real losses are rising. 越来越高的失业率将使这种状况雪上加霜,事实上信用卡犯罪及其造成的损失正在飙升。
- Low rates make risky assets look cheap, so policymakers may hold off from raising them for too long, for fear of derailing a recovery based on rising asset values. 低利率让风险资产看起来非常便宜,所以政策的制定者可能会延迟提高利率太久,避免基于提高资产估价的恢复没有按照预定方式发展。
- And Asian and Middle Eastern countries with currencies linked to the dollar are facing rising inflation, but falling American interest rates make it harder to tighten their own monetary policy. 同时,亚洲和中东那些将汇率直接和美元挂钩的国家正面临着增长的通胀,但是削减的美元利率使得他们紧缩本国的货币政策变得很难。
- What's the going rate of computer programmers? 计算机程序设计人员的一般工资是多少?
- The longevity of marriage and statistical crescendos of divorce rates make us wonder whether man is moving back to being a polygamous animal or is it just the way human spirit is supposed to evolve? 婚姻寿命的缩短以及离婚率的提高让我们开始怀疑人们是不是退化到了一夫多妻的动物或者这只是人类精神进化的一个方面。
- By power we mean the rate of doing work. 我们说功率就是指做功的速率。
- Black millionaire Herman Mashaba, who made his fortune with the "Black Like Me" line of cosmetics, emphasizes that black entrepreneurs have to create a base in the townships. The high crime rate makes getting a foothold a very risky business. 以产销“和我一样黑”系列化装品发家的黑人百万富翁赫尔曼·马夏巴强调说,黑人企业家必须在城镇里打开局面,而由于犯罪率高,进行这种努力就十分危险。
- They charge a fixed rate for each transaction. 他们对办理的每项业务收取一定的费用。
- The going rate for freelance work is 5 an hour. 自由职业者的现行酬金是每小时5英镑。