- rate of fiscal deficit 财政赤字率
- If we do not exercise prudence in the management of our public finances, the problem of fiscal deficit will persist or even grow. 如果不审慎理财,长期入不敷支,将问题交给下一代处理,又岂是香港之福呢?
- One of these issues is the fiscal deficit. 上一个财政年度的赤字约为。
- Suitably Postponing Elimination of Fiscal Deficit 适当推迟灭赤
- Sustainability of fiscal deficit 财政赤字可持续性
- After China's opening and reforming, the fiscal expenditure scale dwindled first and enlarged afterward, but the rate of fiscal productive expenditure in total expenditure is gradually reducing. 摘要改革开放以来,我国财政支出规模呈先缩小后扩大的趋势,但是财政生产性支出占财政总支出的比重却不断缩小。
- Seventh, monetization of fiscal deficits is not inflationary in the short run...slack product and labor markets imply massive deflationary forces. 第七,财政赤字的货币化短期内不会带来通货膨胀压力,而产品和就业市场表现疲软可能会带来巨大的通货紧缩压力。
- What's the going rate of computer programmers? 计算机程序设计人员的一般工资是多少?
- By power we mean the rate of doing work. 我们说功率就是指做功的速率。
- What is your view about the current fiscal deficit? 如果再连续几年增发国债的话,财政风险会不会逐渐加大?
- Positive analysis on economic growth effect of fiscal deficit in China 我国财政赤字的经济增长效应实证分析
- Whether or not further fiscal deficits should be funded through the use of fiscal reserves is a matter that will be addressed thoroughly by the Financial Secretary when appropriate. 至于当局会否动用财政储备来应付进一步的财政赤字,相信财政司司长在适当时候便会有决定。
- The rate of incidence of a disease. 发病率发生疾病的概率
- The rate of inflation must be held down. 通货膨胀率必须控制在低水平上。
- Since both Japan and US hold similar rates of return, are extending fiscal deficits and see dour economic futures, trends will be dampened. 翻译机:由于日本和美国举办类似的回报率,是扩大财政赤字和见严厉的经济期货,趋势将因此而黯淡。(请问正确的翻译是什么?)
- The rate of pay was built into her contract. 工资率已写进了她的合同。
- The rate of growth was unprecedented. 这个成长率是前所未有的。
- The rapid growth of fiscal revenue. 财政收入增速加快。
- The car was going at the rate of 60 miles an hour. 汽车以每小时六十英里的速度行驶。
- Mr Golding has promised a fresh effort to cut the fiscal deficit. 戈尔丁也承诺将采取新的措施削减财政赤字。