- Changes of the entropy, the entropy production and the rate of energy dissipation in river adjustment 河流调整中的熵、熵产生和能耗率的变化
- What is the rate of dissipation of energy in the motor? 在电动机内能量的耗散率是多少?
- The motion of flow in plane and theory of the minimum rate of energy dissipation 流体平面运动与最小能耗率原理
- The rate of energy production is adjusted to their masses. 能量产生的速率是由它们的质量决定的。
- rate of energy dissipation 能量消耗速率
- Keywords theory of minimum entropy production;theory of minimum rate of energy dissipation;the theory of dissipative structure;alluvial river;stable channel;diversion headwork; 最小熵产生原理;最小能耗率原理;耗散结构理论;冲积河流;稳定渠道;渠首工程;
- The stepped spillway is interested by engineers due to its excellent function of energy dissipation and aerification. 台阶式溢洪道因其显著的消能、掺气效果而倍受工程界的关注。
- Abstract: The stepped spillway is interested by engineers due to its excellent function of energy dissipation and aerification. 文摘:台阶式溢洪道因其显著的消能、掺气效果而倍受工程界的关注。
- The rate of flow of energy or particles across a given surface. 穿越给定表面能量或粒子的速率。
- The ratio of energy dissipation W(subscript J)/W(subscript I) increases nonlinearly with increment of fractal dimension D of the jointed surface. 节理岩石的能量耗散比W(下标J)/W(下标I)随节理面分维值D增大而增加,两者呈非线性关系;
- In respect of energy dissipation, a considerable portion of the input energy is transferred as rigid-body motion of the rotational beam. 在能量耗散方面,输入的能量并不全部转化为塑性耗散能,至少有一部分输入能量要转化为动能。
- The underflow energy dissipation is a commonly used type for sluice gate,and the apron is an important component of energy dissipation structure. 底流式消能是水闸常用的消能方式,海漫是其消能结构的重要组成部分。
- The practical design method of energy dissipation and anti-seismic reinforcement was proposed,and the advantages of the ener... 用抗震加固的工程实例,说明了消能支撑加固技术的优越性。
- Based on these researches,the calculation methods of the parameters and distribution of energy dissipation devices and equivalent damping ratio ar. 在此基础上,给出了消能减震结构设计中阻尼器分布、阻尼器参数和等效阻尼比等有关计算方法。
- What's the going rate of computer programmers? 计算机程序设计人员的一般工资是多少?
- Based on these researches, the calculation methods of the parameters and distribution of energy dissipation devices and equivalent damping ratio are proposed. 在此基础上,给出了消能减震结构设计中阻尼器分布、阻尼器参数和等效阻尼比等有关计算方法。
- By power we mean the rate of doing work. 我们说功率就是指做功的速率。
- The fracture of bodies with defects is the course of energy dissipation.The energy dissipation has direct relationship with the irregularity of fracture surface. 摘要含缺陷物体的断裂是一个能量耗散的过程,而这种能量耗散与断裂表面的不规则性有着直接的关系。
- It is possible to transmute one form of energy into another. 把某种形态的能量改变成另一形态的能量是可能的。
- The conclusion is beneficial to design of energy dissipative brace. 结论对耗能支撑的设计具有参考价值。