- time rate of change of acceleration 加速度变化率
- The rate of change of velocity with respect to time. 加速度速度相对于时间变化的速率
- rate of change of acceleration 加速度的时间变率
- Recent laboratory impact experiments have found that certain strains of bacteria can survive the accelerations and jerks (rates of changes of acceleration) that would be encountered during a typical high-pressure ejection from Mars. 最近在实验室中进行的撞击实验发现,某些菌株可承受一般从火星高压喷发时所产生的加速度与急冲度(加速度的变化率)。
- The rate of change of current during PWM switching is limited to reduce EMI. PWM切换时,电流变化率受到限制,从而减少EMI。
- The rate of change of velocity, for a given body, is directly proportional to the exerted on it. 对于一个物体,其速度的变化率与它所受的力成正比。
- The rate of change of the input voltage waveform during a logic transition (low-to-high or high-to-low). 在逻辑转换期间,输入电压信号波形的变化率(由低到高或由高到低)。
- Social analysts often overrate the rate of change. 社会分析家往往过高估计发生变化的速度。
- The mass outflow rate minus the mass inflow rate is equal to the time rate of change of mass storage in the parallelepiped. 质量的流出率减去质量的流入率等于贮存在这个平行六面体中的质量的时间变化率。
- The rate of change of momentum is proportional to the imposed force and goes in the direction of the force. 物体的加速度跟物体所受的外力成正比,跟物体的质量成反比,加速度的方向跟外力的方向相同。
- The damping force of radiation is a jumpulse of the time rate of change of force. 摘要“辐射阻尼力”是一种力变率的猝量。
- TI ? The rate of change of the input voltage waveform during a logic transition (low-to-high or high-to-low). 在逻辑转换期间,输入电压信号波形的变化率(由低到高或由高到低)。
- All it would do is slow down the rate of change. 所要做的就是降低变化的速度。
- The electromagnetic mass is another effect of the time rate of change of radiant reacting force. 电磁质量是辐射反作用力变率的另一作用效果。
- The material origin of the time rate of change of radiant reacting force is the radiation field. 辐射反作用力变率的物质来源是带电粒子的辐射场。
- The ratio of the electromotive force produced in a circuit by self-induction to the rate of change of current producing it,expressed in henries. 线圈中由于自感产生的电动势和电流变化的比,以亨利表示。
- Any correlation in which the rates of change of the variables is not constant. 变换率不是常数的变数的相关关系。
- The rate of change of momentum of a body is proportional to the impressed force and takes place in the direction of that force. 一物体动量的变化率与外加力成正比,并与外加力的方向一致。
- The rate of the machine moved up sharply because of changing a big gear box. 由于换了一个大齿轮箱这台机器的速度大大提高了。
- OK, my world, my playground, has del phi B by del t being zero.The rate of change of flux is zero.So, under these circumstances, I can write this. 没错,我们是这样奸诈,放那些探针,测量物体,建立一个庞大的表格,然后把它们抽象成简单的定律,然后就令我们的生活好上那么的一点。