- Interaction of Rare Earths and Micro Alloying Elements Nb, V and Ti in Steel 钢中稀土与铌、钒、钛等微合金元素的相互作用
- The article mainly reviews the electrodeposition of rare earth and its alloy film from nonaqueous solvent. 本文着重综述了从非水介质中电沉积稀土元素及其合金膜的进展。
- The colour reaction of the reagents with bismuth, rare earth and thorium have also been studied. 研究了共与铋、稀土、钍的显色反应性能,并对其进行了提纯鉴定。
- Zn2SiO4 has been identified as a very suitable host matrix for many rare earth and transition metal dopant ions for the efficient luminescence. 对许多稀土离子和过渡金属离子而言,Zn2SiO4是一种非常合适的基质,掺杂后能够发出高效荧光。
- Microstructure and property of high Cr-Ni wear,heat resistant cast steel which coutents N,rare earth and Nb were studied. 研究了含氮、稀土、铌的高铬镍耐热耐磨铸钢的显微组织和高温力学性能。
- The syntheses,structures and properties of rare earth and complexes of amino acids were investigated widely in recent decades. 近十几年来;有关稀土.;氨基酸固体配合物的合成、结构、性质研究已有较多报道。
- The effect of rare earth and calcium on the structure and property of gray iron were analysed in detail through laboratory tests and production technology tests. 采用研制的合金进行试验室试验和现生产工艺试验,详细地分析了稀土、钙对灰铸铁组织和性能的影响。
- We produce the activity KHm containing elemental selenium, titanium, thorium, strontium, rare earth and other active substances, which is the other similar products do not have. 我们生产的活性腐植酸钾含有元素硒、钛、钍、锶、稀土等活性物质,这是一般同类产品所不具备的。
- The main factors that affect the rare earth recovery, such as concentration of rare earth and oxalic acid,acidity,temperature of the solution,and the composition of cerium and terbium are studied. 研究了料液浓度、酸度、温度、草酸浓度、铈铽配分改变对稀土收率的影响。
- The results show that the permeating amount of Al that mainly exists in subsurface layers in creases because of the adding of rare earth and the distribution of Al is changed as well. 结果表明:铝存在于渗层的次表层中,稀土的加入增加了铝的渗入量并改变了铝的分布状况。
- We produce the activity sodium humate containing elemental selenium, titanium, thorium, strontium, rare earth and other active substances, which is the other similar products do not have. 我们生产的活性腐植酸钠含有元素硒、钛、钍、锶、稀土等活性物质,这是一般同类产品所不具备的。
- The rocket did one circuit of the earth and returned to base. 火箭绕地球运行一周后返回基地。
- Macro and Micro are two concepts that define Strategy gaming. 宏观与微观是定义策略游戏的两个概念。
- The new photometry for determination of hydroxyl radocals by using the reaction between the mixed rare earths and trace H 2O 2 has been established in this paper. 利用混合稀土与微量过氧化氢催化氧化二苯基碳酰肼,建立了萃取-催化氧化光度法测定过氧化氢的羟基自由基的新方法。
- Rare earth metals have purifing and fining and alloying effects. 稀土金属在铝合金中具有净化、细化和合金化效果。
- The energy transfer mechanism between the rare earths and ligands was briefly described,and the advance in the luminescence of rare earth complexes and their application were summarized. 本文简要介绍了稀土与配体间的能量传递机制,并综述了稀土金属配合物发光及其应用研究的新进展。
- Low Rare Earth and Ultra-Stable Zeolite 低稀土超稳分子筛
- This Ouija board knows)heaven, earth and people. 这一个占板板知道)天堂,地球和人。
- We went back to Earth and saw Earth Commander. 我们回到地球去见地球司令。
- Some members expressed particular concern about export restrictions on raw materials or intermediate products that could be subject to further processing, such as tungsten ore concentrates, rare earths and other metals. 一些成员对原材料或可进行进一步加工的中间产品的出口限制表示特别关注,如钨精矿、稀土和其他金属。