- Controls are the bread and butter of rapid application development. 控件是快速开发应用程序的必备元素。
- Lack of an IDE for effective rapid application development (RAD). 缺乏有效的能够支持快速应用开发的集成环境。
- This new way of programming was known as Rapid Application Development, or RAD. 这种新的编程方式被称作“快速应用程序开发”(RAD)。
- The goal of the client programmer: to collect a toolbox full of classes to use for rapid application development. 客户程序员的目标:选择一个由不同类构成的工具箱,用来进行快速应用程序开发。
- Using Visual Studio Tools for Office to develop Microsoft Office solutions enables rapid application development (RAD). 使用Visual Studio Tools for Office开发Microsoft Office解决方案可实现快速应用程序开发(RAD)。
- TimeBox development is one of the best practices of rapid application development(RAD). 限时开发是快速应用开发的最佳实践之一。
- Visual Studio rapid application development (RAD) data design experience tools already take advantage of this functionality. Visual Studio快速应用程序开发(RAD)数据设计体验工具已经利用了该功能。
- The Delphi 1 rapid application development (RAD) environment was launched in 1995, under the leadership of Anders Hejlsberg. Delphi 1快速应用开发(RAD)环境在Anders Hejlsberg的领导下于1995年发布。
- Provides support for rapid application development (RAD) designers to generate and parse data-binding expression syntax. 提供对应用程序快速开发(RAD)设计器的支持以生成和分析数据绑定表达式语法。
- Provides support for rapid application development (RAD) designers to parse data-binding expressions that use XPath expressions. 为应用程序快速开发(RAD)设计器提供支持,以便分析使用XPath表达式的数据绑定表达式。
- This simplicity combined with the power and stability of the Java platform makes NetRexx an ideal alternative for rapid application development. 这种简单性与Java平台的威力和稳定性相结合,使NetRexx成为快速应用程序开发的理想选择。
- This version of Visual Basic brings back support for Edit and Continue and has new features for rapid application development. 此版本的Visual Basic恢复了对“编辑并继续”的支持,并具有可快速开发应用程序的新功能。
- There are many other features that help to make Visual Basic 2005 the best tool for rapid application development; links to a few of them are listed below. Visual Basic 2005还包括许多其他功能,这使得它成为了快速开发应用程序的最佳工具;下面列出了几个这样的功能的链接。
- JSF provides the tools to develop Web pages in a Rapid Application Development fashion, while WebSphere Portal provides the ability to integrate Web components at the page level. JSF提供以快速应用程式开发方式来开发Web页面的工具。而WebSphere Portal提供了在页面级别上整合Web元件的能力。
- Implementation can be accelerated using code-level patterns, templates, and model-transformation methods following a rapid application development paradigm. 使用符合快速应用程序开发理念的代码级模式、模板和模型转换方法,可以使实现加速。
- Rapid application development (RAD) methodologies and tools make it possible to develop systems faster, especially systems where the user interface is an important component. 係透過RAD軟體工具的使用,可快速發展應用資訊系統,適合介面及資料導向的應用需求。
- In this short article, David Viney examines whether Rapid Application Development (RAD) or Waterfall development methodologies should be used during Intranet Portal projects. 在这短短文章幼Viney审核是否开发器(RAD)快速应用开发方法还是应该用在瀑布门联网工程.
- Its simple, English-like syntax and intuitive semantics make Jython an ideal language for existing Python programmers, entry-level programmers, or programmers seeking a very rapid application development platform. 它的简单、类似英语的语法和直观的语义使Jython成为现有Python程序员、初级程序员或寻找非常快速的应用程序开发平台的编程员的一种理想语言。
- Because of this, other development models such as Rapid Application Development (RAD) have been promoted to embrace change and use it to refine the software through planned iterations. 正因为此,其他的开发模式,如快速应用开发(RAD)已经提升到可以包含改变并在计划过程中使用改变来精炼开发。
- The results show that consistency views can be established with the model and inconsistency manageability was therefore achieved in a rapid application development platform for information systems. 在信息系统快速开发平台中,使用上述约束模型可建立信息系统的一致性视图,使开发平台具有一致性管理的功能。