- Automatic control of tracheal tube cuff pressure in ventilated patients in semirecumbent position: A randomized trial. 机械通气患者半卧位时气管插管气囊压力自动调控的随机研究。
- When the goal is not cure: A randomized trial of a patient decision aid in advanced colorectal cancer. 当目标不是治愈时,进展期结直肠癌患者决定辅助系统的随机试验。
- This is the first randomized trial to compare these two approaches in patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding. 这个是在不明原因的胃肠道出血的患者上的第一次随机试验来比较两者方法。
- We performed a prospective multicenter randomized trial to compare these two treatment strategies. 我们采用可预期的多中心随机实验方法来比较两种治疗方案。
- The lack of other randomized trials is unfortunate. 缺少其它随机性研究是不幸的。
- Prospective randomized trial of post-liver biopsy recovery positions: Does positioning really matter? 肝活检后复原的体位的前瞻性随机试验:体位真的重要吗?
- Reduction in blood pressure with statins: results from the UCSD Statin Study, a randomized trial. (他汀类药物的降血压作用:来自UCSD他汀类研究的结果。)
- The prevention of hip displacement has not been studied in a randomized trial as far as we know. 据我们所知,到目前为止还没有一个随机试验用来研究预防髋关节脱位。
- MILAN, ITALY (UroToday.com) - Updated results and analysis of prognostic factors from a phase III randomized trial. 来自三期随机试验的更新结果和预测因素的分析。
- Effect of Patient-controlled Perineural Analgesia on Rehabilitation and Pain after Ambulatory Orthopedic Surgery: A Multicenter Randomized Trial. 患者自控神经周围镇痛对于门诊矫形手术术后恢复和疼痛的作用:一项多中心随机研究。
- The Warfarin/Aspirin Study in Heart failure (WASH): a randomized trial comparing antithrombotic strategies for patients with heart failure. 心衰病人通常被安排使用降低血粘度的药物,有时是用华法林,但一项新研究表明这样非但没有好处,而且还可能有害。
- Option #6, Taxotere + Xeloda was compared to Taxotere monotherapy in a randomized trial of first line chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer. 选项%236,泰索帝+希罗达曾在转移性乳腺癌的一线化疗中与泰索帝单药做过随机对照研究。
- Option #6, Taxotere Xeloda was compared to Taxotere monotherapy in a randomized trial of first line chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer. 选项%236,泰索帝+希罗达曾在转移性乳腺癌的一线化疗中与泰索帝单药做过随机对照研究。
- We ealuated the risk of coronary and cerebroascular eents in the Women's Health Initiatie randomized trial of calcium plus itamin D supplementation. 我们评估了妇女保健随机试验中钙及维生素D补充疗法的心脑血管事件危险性。
- The BMJ study is "to our knowledge ? the largest randomized trial ever done in the area of human lactation," write the study's authors. BMJ研究是“我们知道的在人类哺乳期内进行最大的随机实验,”报告编写人员是这样写的。
- Methods: We conducted a randomized trial of 320 patients with acute ST-segment eleation myocardial infarction assigned to receie SES or BMS. 方法:我们对320名因患有急性ST段抬高型心肌梗塞而接受SES或BMS治疗的病人进行了随机对照研究。
- Effectieness and Cost-Effectieness of Three Types of Physiotherapy Used to Reduce Chronic Low Back Pain Disability: A Pragmatic Randomized Trial With Economic Ealuation. 三种类型理疗方法治疗慢性后腰痛疾病的疗效和性价比:用经济学方法评估的一种实用的随机试验。
- METHODS: A total of 91 elective patients with cholelithiasis and CBD stones diagnosed at magnetic resonance cholangiography (MRC) were included in a prospective, randomized trial. 方法:总共有91名经磁共振胆管造影术中检查有胆结石及胆总管结石的患者纳入一项前瞻性随机试验。
- Leopold SS, Redd BB, Warme WJ, et al.Corticosteroid compared with hyaluronic acid injections for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee.A prospectie, randomized trial. 结论:从疼痛缓解和功能改善等方面观察,关节腔内注射玻璃酸钠和倍他米松磷酸酯钠在6个月后均没有显著差别。
- Leopold SS, Redd BB, Warme WJ, et al.Corticosteroid compared with hyaluronic acid injections for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee.A prospective, randomized trial. 结论:从疼痛缓解和功能改善等方面观察,关节腔内注射玻璃酸钠和倍他米松磷酸酯钠在6个月后均没有显著差别。