- Test Fdb : random vibration wide band. Fdb 试验.;在宽带上的随机振动
- Computer Aids Estimation of Random Vibration Response of Three-Axle Semi-Trailer. 三轴鞍式半挂车随机振动响应的计算机预测
- The analysis of static, dynamic and random vibration is carried out by using the ALGOR FEAS. 利用有限元分析软件 AL GOR FEAS对其进行了静态、自由振动和随机振动分析 ;
- The thes-is tries to diminish the random vibration in the way of adaptive inv-erse control. 论文目的是通过对其进行自适应逆控制,消减系统随机振动。
- In this paper, based on the complex mode analysis theory of random vibration, we derived eqs. 采用随机振动复模态理论,对北京电视塔模型在三维非平稳地震激励下的响应特性进行了计算研究。
- A new method is presented in this paper for the control of multi-shakers in random vibration tests. 为适应多振动台试验控制的需求,提出了一种新的多点随机振动实验控制方法。
- Auto vibration has two main driving sources: one is engine reciprocation, which form the regular vibration; the other is random vibration that caused by uneven road. 主要讲述形成汽车振动的两大激励,一是往复式发动机运动激励,形成有规律的振动现象;二是道路高低不平引起的无规则的振动-随机振动。
- In this paper, by using random vibration theory, the radom dynamic response is analysized for baffle and new type RRS heat exchanger. 利用随机振动理论讨论了由湍流脉动而引起的两种不同结构管壳式换热器管束的随机响应。
- Based on the idea of the discrete analysis method of random vibration, the paper studied the wind responses of guyed masts. 摘要基于随机振动状态向量离散分析方法,研究了桅杆结构的风振响应。
- According to the relative crossing threshold rate,the equivalent problem of random vibration of strong nonlinear Duffing systems is approached. 以相对穿阈率为评估指标,探讨了强非线性杜芬系统稳态随机振动的等效化问题。
- A frequency domain method for predicting the fatigue life of notched specimens under random vibration loading is presented. 提出了一个考虑应力集中和疲劳极限影响的缺口件频域随机振动疲劳寿命估算方法。
- A spectral combination rule is proposed based on the theory of random vibration of structures for the need of aseismic design of bridges, etc. 摘要基于平稳随机振动理论,推导了一般阻尼结构体系反应谱组合方法,以满足大跨度桥梁等结构抗震设计的需要。
- Random vibration response analysis of thin-shells excited by acoustic loads is one of the important tasks of sonic fatigue investigation. 噪声载荷作用下薄壁壳体的振动应力响应分析是声疲劳研究的重要任务之一。
- In this paper, the random vibration of elastic plate submerged in water is discussed with the method of Fourier transform and expansion in eigenfunctions. 本文用富里叶变换和特征展开的方法讨论了弹性薄板在重介质(水)中的随机振动问题;
- Kiureghian A D,Neuenhofer A.A discussion on seismic random vibration analysis of multi-support seismic excitations[J].Journal of Engineering Mechanics,1995,121:1037. 林家浩;钟万勰;张亚辉.;大跨度结构抗震计算的随机振动方法[J]
- An efficient and accurate non-stationary random vibration algorithm for the composite laminated structures attached with viscoelastic damping layer was proposed. 提出了对敷设黏弹性阻尼层的复合材料层合结构非平稳随机振动分析的高效精确算法。
- Finally, the paper presents a shaker test technique to sirulate random vibration with high kurtsis value and to overcome the disavatangein the existing numerical equipment. 最后说明一种能模拟带有高峰值随机振动的试验技术,以改进现有数控设备的不足。
- The OVTT system is ideal for No Fault Found (NFF) precipitation screens of field returns, repair verification and random vibration test of small products. OVTT系统是理想的NFF区域返回物的沉淀筛选器,对所有产品进行维修验证和随机振动测试。
- Soiled dishes were piled at random. 脏碟子胡乱地堆放着。
- The environmental tes ting ,specification,and analytic evaluation for full size spacecrafts or lau nch vehicles in acoustic vibration,separation shock and random vibration,as well as component testing and specification are emphasized. 重点介绍了实尺卫星或星箭合一声振、随机振动、分离冲击环境试验 ,试验规范与分析评估技术以及部件级试验与规范的进展情况。