- Based on the background of mining process in bengang NanFeng Mine,the random noise in the producing procedure of product ore is described. 以本钢南芬矿采矿过程为背景,论述了成品矿石形成过程中的随机干扰。
- The factor effect on CIE coordinates error is analyzed, system error caused by standard source transfer is argued and the background signal subtraction method is brought forward. The repeatability error caused by random noise is also analyzed. 对影响色坐标的各项因素进行了误差分析,分析了标准传递带来的系统误差和基线扣除方法,分析了随机噪声带来的重复性误差。
- With the conditions of constant false-alarm probability and low signal-to-noise ratio,the signal-to-noise ratio can be improved by reducing the effects of background interference and random noise. 在恒虚警概率条件下,该算法可以在低信噪比的情况下,减小背景干扰和随机噪声的影响,提高信噪比。
- All markets have a certain amount of random noise, or quick countertrend moves. 每个市场都有随机噪音,或快速回调。
- Abstract:The principles and methods of digital filter for Mores code under the noise background are introduced. 摘要:介绍了对噪声背景下的莫尔斯码进行滤波的原理及方法。
- Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR): The ratio of the signal to the random noise in a set of data. 信噪比:平均到一个数据单元的信号与随机噪声的比值。
- Simulation result shows that by the method useful signal can be gotten primely from the noise background that is similar to the measured signal. 仿真结果表明利用这种方法能在和被测对象相似的噪声背景中很好地提取有用信号。
- The influence on the measured velocity of random noise, cross sensitivity and alignment errors is discussed. 影响的测量速度的随机噪声,交叉灵敏度和定位误差进行了讨论。
- Because all the atoms move coherently, the information doesn't dissolve into random noise and get lost. 因为所有原子运动的相关性,信息不会在随机噪声中消失也就不会丢失。
- Overlapped low-frequency interruption and random noise usually exist in singularity target signal recognition. 摘要奇异性目标信号检测中往往存在叠加型低频干扰及随机噪声的污染。
- CRA is better than other methods for suppressing random noise on keeping amplitude. 就保幅能力而言,该方法优于其它压制随机噪声的方法。
- Turing showed how ordered patterns such as a leopard's spots or a cow's dapples could arise spontaneously from random noise. 我们希望可以利用类似的技术,为我们的晶片制造出有类似指向样式的相邻区域。
- New FMAM's tolerance capability of dilative/erosive and random noise is analyzed.Autoassociative FMAM's ability resisting random noise is improved. 为此提出了一种基于尺度空间的模糊形态联想记忆网络,并分析了其抗膨胀/腐蚀噪声和抗随机噪声的能力,它提高了自联想FMAM的抗随机噪声能力。
- In practice,other noise in the system can be reduced by introducing double optical harder-limiters also,such as:APD shot noise,APD dark current noise,background light and thermal noise. 实际上,引入两个光硬件限幅器同样可以减小系统中的其他噪声:APD光电检测过程中的散粒噪声、暗电流噪声、背景光影响、消光比影响及热噪声。
- The simulation result shows that the approach can effectively limit high frequency random noise of altimeter and compensate delay error. 仿真结果表明该方法可以有效地抑制高度表的高频随机噪声和补偿其延迟误差。
- This paper introduces measuring method for kinds of noise.Accentuates the measuring method for two special video random noise and its application f... 介绍了各种杂波的测量方法,重点叙述两种视频随机杂波的测量方法和应用范围。
- The harmonic retrieval is classified according to the different noise background,in additive noises and multiplicative additive noises. 根据噪声背景的不同,谐波恢复可以分为加性噪声背景和乘性混合噪声背景下的谐波恢复。
- A novel hardware implementation method of real-time generating Gaussian random noise based on CORDIC algorithm is proposed in this paper. 该文提出了一种基于坐标旋转数字计算机(CORDIC)算法实时产生高斯随机噪声的硬件实现方法。
- This simulation is much complicated than that of a CW radar because in most radar the serious aliasing effect is existed, and random noise is overlaid in its amplifier chain. 由于现代脉冲雷达存在明显的混叠效应,和由放大链引入附加噪声等情况,使其仿真方法要比连续波时复杂得多。
- Some skeptics say interpreting random sounds into voices in their own language would sound like random noise to a foreign speaker.You can hear some samples of EVP here. 一些例子有些无神论者认为把任意的声音以他们自己的语言模式翻译成另一种声音,那么所产生的声音就好比是对外国人发出噪音。