- The two most commonly used surgical techniques to setback a prognathic mandible include the bilateral sagittal split osteotomy and the vertical ramus osteotomy. 二种最普遍使用正颚手术方法来改善下颚骨前突症的方法是双侧矢向面骨切开术及垂直下颚枝骨切开术。
- It is concluded that oblique ramus osteotomy has its good biological basis both in blood supply and cortex-to-cortex bone healing process. 结论:下颌支斜行切开术后近中骨段未出现严重的血供下降,通过大量外骨痂的形成,骨皮质重叠可以获得良好的愈合。
- Conclusions: the change of pharyngeal cavity after bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy and setback is permanence, but it can not cause OSAS in therapy range. 结论:下领升支状劈开截骨术后咽腔气道的改变是永久性的,但是在治疗范围内不会引起OSAS。
- To improve her facial profile and to achieve normal occlusion, she accepted the orthodontic treatment combined with orthognathic surgery (bilateral vertical ramus osteotomy). 为改善外貌与咬合的异常,病患接受了齿颚矫正与下颚双侧矢状垂直截骨术的治疗。
- Objective To evaluate the neurosensory functions of the inferior alveolar nerve(IAN)after two rigid internal fixations for the sagittal split of ramus osteotomy(SSRO)in monkeys. 目的研究下颌支矢状劈开术(SSRO)常用两种内固定方式对下齿槽神经(IAN)功能的影响。
- Methods: 37 patients with mandibular prognithism without presurgical orthodontic,underwent orthodontic treatment just the next day after the sagittal split ramus osteotomy. 方法:37例术前未做正畸治疗的下颌前突患者,下颌升支矢状劈开术后第2日即开始用固定矫治器快速正畸,利用带钩方丝托槽行颌间牵引建立咬合。
- Conclusion: The immediate orthodontic is efficient for the rapid occlusion establishment of the patients with mandibular prognithism after the sagittal split ramus osteotomy. 结论:下颌前突患者行下颌升支矢状劈开术后立即开始正畸治疗可以快速建立咬合关系。
- PURPOSE:To evaluate the effect of two kinds of rigid internal fixation on the structure of the inferior alveolar nerve(IAN)following sagittal split of ramus osteotomy(SSRO)in a rhesus model. 目的:对比观察下颌支矢状劈开术(sagittal split ramus osteotomy,SSRO)2种内固定方式术后不同时期下牙槽神经(inferior alveolar nerve,IAN)结构的改变,为临床SSRO手术选择内固定方式提供实验依据。
- Objective: To study the distribution of stress caused by different mastication muscles in mandibular ramus operative area after sagittal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO), so as to guide the clinical work. 目的:探讨下颌升支矢状骨劈开术(SSRO)前徙下颌后,在不同颌周肌肉作用下,下颌升支手术区内的应力分布情况,从理论力学的角度为临床治疗提供依据。
- classical sagittal split ramus osteotomy 经典下颌升支矢状劈开截骨术
- Bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy 双侧下颌支矢状劈开截骨术
- Bilateral vertical ramus osteotomy 双侧下颌升支垂直截骨术
- intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy 口内下颌升支垂直切骨术
- modified sagittal split ramus osteotomy 改良下颌升支矢状劈开截骨术
- Bilateral Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy for Serious Mandibular Prognathism 双侧下颌骨升支矢状劈开截骨术治疗下颌前突畸形
- Keywords sagittal split ramus osteotomy;mandibular prognathism;complications; 下颌升支矢状劈开截骨术;下颌前突;并发症;
- Bell WH, Yamaguchi Y. Condylar position and mobility before and after intraoralvertical ramus osteotomies and neuromusclar rehabilitation[J]. Int J Adult Orthod Orthognath Surg, 1991,6:97. 口腔颌面外科杂志2000年第1期第10卷文献综述作者:刘向辉徐正林单位:刘向辉(南京解放军八一医院口腔科210002);徐正林(南京解放军八一医院口腔科210002)...
- Recovery of postoperative sensory disturbance after sagittal split ramus osteotomy 下颌支矢状劈开截骨术后下唇感觉功能障碍及其恢复
- An Experimental Study on the Biological Basis of Cortex-to-cortex Bone Healing after Oblique Ramus Osteotomy 下颌支斜行切开术后骨皮质重叠愈合的生物学基础研究