- ramus atrialis intermedius rami circumflexi arteriae coronariae sinistri 左冠状动脉回旋支房间支
- ramus atrialis intermedius 心房中间支
- ramus atrialis anastomoticus arteriae coronariae sinistrae 左冠状动脉心房吻合支
- ramus atrialis intermedium arteriae coronariae dextrae 右冠状动脉房间支
- ramus atrialis anastomoticus 心房吻合支
- The cysts are most often seen in the mandibular ramus or angle. 角化囊肿拥有明显的组织病理表徵,且以局部侵袭性和特高再发率著称。
- rami atrialies arteriae coronariae sinistrae 左冠状动脉心房支
- The ramus was seperated to the anterior middle and posterior ramus. 臀上动、静脉深上支分为前、中、后支;
- Most of the lesion are on the molar region, body and ascending ramus. 下颔骨的好发部位则依序为臼齿区域,下颔体部及枝部。
- Considerable intraspecific differentiation was found in A. intermedius. 中介蝮有较大的种下分化。
- The ramus bus is connection to the main bus with the bolt, it needn't any clip. 矩形的分支母线直接用螺栓联接到主母线上,不需任何联接夹。
- All bus and the ramus bus are covered with pyrocondensation bushing. 所有母线和分支母线都用热缩套管覆盖。
- This is a radiograph of a giant cell tumor involving the left ischial ramus. 左坐骨支的骨巨细胞瘤X线图。
- Due to the recent monetary tsunami, Ramus admitted that he suffers big loss. 近期金融海啸,蔡一杰承认损失惨重。
- Preseving intermedius nervus are as protect same inportment as facial nere motor branches during the operation. 保护中间神经同保护面神经运动支一样重要。
- Rana chensinensis and Gloydius intermedius were the dominant species with a relatively concentrated distribution. 中国林蛙和中介蝮分别为两栖类和爬行类的优势种,但分布较集中。
- Divide the vastus lateralis and vastus intermedius muscles in the direction of their fibers and open and reflect the periosteum for the proper distance. 按纤维方向劈开股外侧肌和股中间肌;切开适当长度的骨膜并向两侧牵开。
- B, Femur exposed by separation of rectus femoris and vastus lateralis muscles and division of vastus intermedius muscle. 分开股直肌和股外侧肌,劈开股中间肌,显露股骨。
- A certain genetic distance was detected among A. i. intermedius, A. i . saxatilis and Gansu samples and Ningxia samples of A. intermedius. 中介蝮的甘肃标本、宁夏标本、指名亚种及黑眉亚种间有一定的遗传距离。
- Mandibular ramus reconstruction using embedded self-loading distractor in a rabbit. 内置自加载牵张器重建兔下颌支的实验研究。