- ramie stripper 苎麻去皮机
- The vandals threw paint stripper on the car. 汽车遭人恶意破坏,给洒上了脱漆剂。
- Dazhu golden bridge ramie co., Ltd. 大竹县金桥麻业有限责任公司。
- As a stripper for various old paints and varnishes. 可用作多种旧油漆和清漆的除漆剂。
- Rami will meet you at seven o'clock . 例如:那个男人八点钟要去餐馆吃饭。
- The process for renovating acetone stripper system is described. 介绍了丙酮汽提塔系统的工艺改造过程。
- Bruce had a beautiful stripper at his bachelor party. 布鲁斯的单身派对上请来了一个美丽的脱衣舞女。
- The origin and taxonomy of jute, kenaf and ramie in our country. 我国黄麻、红麻、萱麻的起源与分类。
- There's BiIIy from LegaI Aid who ran off with a stripper. 在法律援助中心的认识的比利居然和一个脱衣舞娘私奔了。
- The above results should be testified by ramie degumming process. 上述酶类需要在苎麻脱胶过程中作进一步的研究。
- Stese i suoi rami fino al mare, e i suoi rampolli fino al fiume. 它的荫影遮盖了群山,它的枝条遮盖了高大的香柏树。
- Stripper will be established in thickness by size of die. 脱料板厚度由模具尺寸决定。
- Questi sono i capi delle famiglie dei Leviti nei loro diversi rami. 暗兰一生的岁数是一百三十七岁。
- Stripper face must extend 1/8” below working face of punch. 脱料板下表面至少比冲子工作面高出1/8”。
- Milling tooth wire stripper, Crimping pliers, Set tools. 磨齿剥线钳系列,压线钳系列,组套工具。
- Health standard for flax,jute and ramie dusts in the air of workplace. 车间空气中麻尘(亚麻、黄麻和苎麻)卫生标准.
- Weld projection punches and die buttons will not be mounted in the stripper. 烧焊的打凸冲子及模板入子不允许安装在脱料板上。
- This paper was a summary of the latest research on ramie chemical regulation. 摘要综述了植物生长调节剂对苎麻生长发育的影响。
- Initial radiographs and bone scan demonstrated fracture of all 4 public rami. 起初的放射学及骨骼扫瞄报告证实为四支耻骨枝骨折。