- After the renal arteries enter at the hilus they give off the rami capsulares toadipose capsule except supplying the kidneys. The rami capsulares come from the arte-riae interlobares renis,which is different from Nickels observation. 牛肾动脉肾脂囊支的起源陈嘉绩,刘建遂(江苏农学院杨州225002)将新鲜牛肾连肾脂囊一起摘出,用20%25A、B、S丁酮溶液加油与颜色混匀,由肾动脉注入后,可见有血管从肾皮质部表面的沟中穿出,分布干肾脂囊。
- rami capsulares arteriae renis 肾动脉囊支
- rami capsulares 囊支
- Rami will meet you at seven o'clock . 例如:那个男人八点钟要去餐馆吃饭。
- Renal capsular lipoma and internal lipoma are rare. 肾包膜脂瘤及肾脂肪瘤均为少见病例。
- Stese i suoi rami fino al mare, e i suoi rampolli fino al fiume. 它的荫影遮盖了群山,它的枝条遮盖了高大的香柏树。
- Questi sono i capi delle famiglie dei Leviti nei loro diversi rami. 暗兰一生的岁数是一百三十七岁。
- Results In 1 eye, both haptics were fixed in the capsular bag. 不对称囊袋和睫状体沟内固定26只眼;
- Initial radiographs and bone scan demonstrated fracture of all 4 public rami. 起初的放射学及骨骼扫瞄报告证实为四支耻骨枝骨折。
- In basso s’inaridiscono le sue radici, in alto son tagliati i suoi rami. 不属他的住在他的帐棚里,硫磺撒在他的居所之上。
- There are corneal edema, iritis and soon. posterior capsular opacification is themajor cause of eyesight reduction. 后囊浑浊是造成视力下降的主要因素。
- The trapezius muscle is innervated by the accessory nerve and the anterior rami of the third and fourth cervical nerves. 斜方肌由副神经和第三、四颈神经前支支配。
- A rhizomatous Indian herb(Elettaria cardamomum)having capsular fruits with aromatic seeds used as a spice or condiment. 豆蔻,小豆蔻一种根茎状的印度草本植物(小豆蔻小豆蔻属),果实呈荚膜状,种子芳香,可用作香料或调味品
- Methods The posterior rami of the lumbar nerves were dissected in 15 corpses of adults. 方法在15具成人尸体上解剖腰神经后支;
- The arteria arcuata courses along beneath the cortex parallel to the capsular surface. 该弓形动脉在皮质下行走,同肾包膜面相平行。
- Lebanese political analyst Rami Khouri said the vice president has to tread carefully in talks with Lebanon's leaders. 拜登还会见了议会议长、真主党的盟友贝里,也会见了总理福阿德.;西尼乌拉。
- Results: (1)91.94% of the spinal accessory nerves have rami communicans, with two-ramus type occurring frequently. 结果:(1)91.;94%25的副神经存在交通支,以2支型为主;
- The area just under the capsule is spared because of blood supply from capsular arterial branches. 被膜下的坏死区域恰在相应动脉分支的供血区。
- Originale: I Dieci Tronchi celesti vanno da jia a gui, i Dodici Rami terrestri vanno da zi a hai. 注解:中国古代计时以十干和十二支来计算,十干就是指甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸。十二支是子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、戊、未、申、酉、戌、亥。
- Conclusion Implantation of posterior chamber lens in the absence of capsular support is a safe and effective operation. 结论无晶体后囊支撑的后房型人工晶体植入术是一种安全有效的术式。