- The farmer keeps one ram and five ewes on his farm. 农夫在农场里养了一只公羊,五只母羊。
- The inner frame is telescopic and made from seaworthy aluminium. 铝合金内框可以根据壁围厚度伸缩调节,以适合各种厚度的壁围。
- The outer code and inner code are both BCH codes. 该设计采用基于乘积码的编码方案,外码和内码采用的都是BCH码。
- The RAM and ROM were used like warehouse in computer. 在计算机中,只读存储器和随机存储器的作用象仓库。
- Leaf doors with vertical staves and inner drawer. 折页门饰有竖直木条,内部有抽屉。
- Automatic Unloading Slabs system: This system can unload the slabs from the mould whatever is moulding by machine inner frame or using the mould to fix the frame. 自动卸板系统:无论压机使用的是机内成型围框,还是使用不模板上固定围框,该系统均能实现自动脱模卸板。
- We said goodbye to Ram and began to sneak along a circuit. 我们告别罗姆后沿着一条电路悄声行进着。
- Each node had 256 MB of RAM and 3 GB of hard drive space. 每个节点有256 MB内存和3 GB的硬盘空间。
- The sons born to Hezron were: Jerahmeel, Ram and Caleb. 9希斯仑所生的儿子是耶拉篾,兰,基路拜。
- Close the upper pipe ram and open the kill line valve. 关上部钻杆闸板防喷器,开压井管线阀。
- The larger and inner of the two planetary satellites of Mars. 火卫一火星的两颗卫星中较大的和离火星较近的一颗
- Yoga awakens the breath, fluidity of the spine, and inner power. 瑜珈唤醒呼吸,脊椎和内在力量。
- The body wall has outer circular and inner longitudinal muscles. 体壁有外环形肌和内纵行肌。
- So he went and took the ram and offered it as a sacrifice instead of his son. 他就走过去抓住这公羊,把它代替了儿子做供品献给上帝。
- Meanwhile the floors tie the inner frame to the outer one, bracing the entire edifice. 同时,每层的地板则将内外支架联系在一起,以撑起整栋建筑。
- Outer and inner ear are same color and short pile material. 耳朵内外颜色一样,材质都是短毛绒。
- We recognize both outer worlds and inner, or psychological, worlds. 我们认可外部世界和内心,或者心理,社会等。
- Notice the outer longitudinal and inner circular muscle layers. 食管肌层内环外纵。
- It was in mid-May that the Chinese side cautiously ruled out the inner frame mode based on the simulation test and finally confirmed the follow-up frame mode. 中方是在5月中旬,通过仿真试验,慎重排除内环模式,同时最终确定随动环模式的。
- The operating system (OS) then handles the situation, perhaps by trying to find a spare frame of RAM and set up a new PTE to map it to the requested virtual address. 然后由操作系统处理,操作系统可能会寻找一块空闲内存,为它建立一个新的PTE,映射到被请求的虚拟地址。