- The extremes of rainfall intensity are given. 给出了暴雨强度极值;
- Rainfall intensity is the main factor influencing flood hydrograph. 雨强是影响小流域洪水过程线的主要因素;
- Roof runoff water quality was affected by rainfall, rainfall intensity, roof material, season and air temperature. 屋面径流水质主要受降雨量、降雨强度、屋面材料、季节和气温的影响。
- An objective classification of rainfall events on the basis of their convective features: application to rainfall intensity in the northeast of Spain. 基于对流特征对降水事件的客观分类:应用于西班牙东北部降水强度。
- In addition to measuring rainfall intensity, the Doppler radar detects the speed of movement of raindrops based on the Doppler principle. 故此,这台多普勒雷达除可探测降雨强度外,还可利用多普勒原理来探测雨点的移动速度。
- Top soil masses of dam slope soak and produce wetting more easily than low soil of slope in spite of rainfall intensity. 不管降雨强度如何,坝顶和坝坡中上部比坡体的中下部更容易受降雨浸湿。
- The effect of rainfall intensity, water diffusivity and hydraulic conductivity to the water distribution were also analyzed. 并分析了降雨强度、水分扩散率以及导水率变化对边坡水分运移的影响。
- Some parameters related to the time intensity curve such as peak intensity(PI),the area under the curve(AUC)and the mean transit time(MTT)of r... 结果:造影后肾脏二维超声图像较造影前明显增强,皮质灌注峰值(PI)、曲线下面积(AUC)明显增大,并在较高水平维持约40s后迅速下降,平均通过时间(MTT)则变化不大;髓质的各项参数与造影前相比均无显著差异。
- The influence of the depth of seeper in plain on seeping rate of underlying surface is studied, and the relation between seeper in plain and rainfall intensity is determined. 摘要研究在降雨条件下的地面积水,积水深度的大小对于下垫面的下渗速度影响,确定平原区地面积水与雨强变化的关系。
- Approximate solutions show that the ground water level rises in proportion with rainfall intensity, time and inverse number of the effective porosity of the soil. 近似解说明了水位的上升与降雨强度和时间成正比,与土壤的有效孔隙率成反比。
- Of a source. Distribution of luminous intensity that may be represented by rotating about an axis a polar luminous intensity curve in a plane containing that axis. 可以围绕一个旋转轴或至少一个对称面的光强度分布。
- According to relevant studies, the factors inducing debris flow could include average slope of geography, precipitation, watershed area, rainfall intensity, geology, and so on. 摘要一般研究均显示影响土石流发生的主要因素可能包括有地形平均坡度、降雨量、集水面积、降雨强度、地质状况等。
- In conclusion, the intensity of soil fertilizer loss in no - irrigated farmland is not only influenced by rainfall intensity, but also rel ated to the ways of the loss. 旱地土肥流失的强度不仅受雨强影响,而且还与流失途径有关。
- In numerical calculations, the effects of rainfall pattern, rainfall intensity, coefficient of permeability and shape of slope layer to the development of subsurface flow are examined. 讨论了降雨的方式,降雨的强度,渗透系数以及斜坡地层的形状对地下水流进展过程的影响。
- DCE-MRI was performed on a 1.5 T MR scanner. Type of time signal intensity curve, maximum enhancement slope and positive enhancement integral valve before and after chemotherapy in group A, between group B and group C were compared separately. 在Functool诊断工作站采用感兴趣区法测量和比较时间信号强度曲线、最大增强斜率和正性增强积分在A组化疗前后变化以及B组与C组的组间差异。
- The result shows soil masses in surface layer reach saturation more easily under great rainfall intensity and long-lasting rainfall,at the same time,there are big infiltration depth and influence of wetting deformation. 结果显示;降雨强度越大、降雨持续时间越长;非饱和区土体含水率变化也大;坝坡表层土体较容易达到饱和;并且降雨影响深度也大;对坝坡表面湿化裂隙的产生及坝坡稳定性影响大.
- Based on artificial rainfall,the courses of sediment yield were studied, at the same time, analyze influence of rainfall intensity, gradient and bulk densities to sediment yield amount. 在人工降雨实验模拟的基础上,对硬地面次降雨侵蚀产沙过程和影响硬地面侵蚀产沙的因素进行了初步探讨,为硬地面的侵蚀防治提供了科学依据。
- The function of N,P,K losses mainly is runoff dissolution, but it is comparatively complex, especially the relationship between the nutrient by the loss of runoff dissolution and rainfall intensity is not simple direct ratio. 氮磷钾养分的流失则以径流溶蚀为主 ,但情况比较复杂 ,特别是通过“径流溶蚀”流失的养分与雨强并不是简单的正比关系。
- The relationship between rainfall intensity and interception by canopy is also very osculation.The rainfall intensity diminishes with the increase of rainfall and interception by canopy. 林冠截留与降水强度的关系也非常密切:降雨雨强越小,林冠截留量越大,林冠截留率越高。
- Tomorrow will receive Senlake the periphery nephsystem influence, by the shower weather primarily, the wind power will increase gradually, the rainfall intensity also compares is obvious today. 明天受 “森拉克”的外围云系影响,以阵雨天气为主,风力逐渐增大,雨势也较今日明显。