- For example, we called railroad engines iron horses and automobiles were labeled horseless carriages. 例如,我们曾把火车头称为“铁马”,把汽车称为“无马的马车”。
- Can you imagine the individuals who make flat cars and rails and railroad engines and who construct and install the communication systems incidental thereto? 你能想象得出制造平板大卡车、铁轨、火车头的那些人,和那些修筑和安装送我到那里的整个交通体系的人们吗?
- The goal of the railroad engineers in crafting this code was to prevent often fatal train collisions, by giving the trains advance warning. 铁路工程师设计这一编码系统的目的是为了通过给火车发出预光警告防止经常发生的致命火车相撞事故。
- The goal of the railroad engineers in crafting this code was to prevent often fatal train collisions,by giving the trains advance warning. 铁路工程师设计这一编码系统的目的是为了通过给火车发出预光警告防止经常发生的致命火车相撞事故。
- This failure prompted the railroad engineers to alter their color selections to red for stop,green for go,and yellow for caution. 这一失误提醒铁路工程师们将信号灯颜色的选择改为红灯停,绿灯行,黄灯“请注意”。
- This failure prompted the railroad engineers to alter their color selections to red for stop, green for go, and yellow for caution. 这一失误提醒铁路工程师们将信号灯颜色的选择改为红灯停,绿灯行,黄灯“请注意”。
- Stoplights are red,yellow,and green,because traffic officials,early on copied the code system railroad engineers devised for track systems controlling the trains. 交通信号灯采用红、黄、绿三种颜色,是因为早期的交通指挥官模仿铁路工程师所设计的用于铁道系统控制火车的编码系统。
- The color alone,railroad engineers reasoned,should give people cause to pause,to abide by the signal,and to stop or suffer the consequences of death and destruction. 铁路工程师们推断,红色本身就提醒人们暂停,或呆在该信号旁边,或停止前进,否则将会遭受死亡或损毁的后果。
- Railroad engineers,not traffic engineers,should be credited for the lives saved in the interim,by their system of coding warning signals red,yellow,and green. 因为铁路工程技术人员,而非城市交通工程技术人员发明的红、黄、绿三色编码预警系统挽救了在瞬间可能发生事故的许多人的生命,他们的功劳是不可磨灭的。
- Stoplights are red, yellow, and green, because traffic officials, early on copied the code system railroad engineers devised for track systems controlling the trains. 交通信号灯采用红、黄、绿三种颜色,是因为早期的交通指挥官模仿铁路工程师所设计的用于铁道系统控制火车的编码系统。
- Railroad engineers, not traffic engineers, should be credited for the lives saved in the interim, by their system of coding warning signals red, yellow, and green. 因为铁路工程技术人员,而非城市交通工程技术人员发明的红、黄、绿三色编码预警系统挽救了在瞬间可能发生事故的许多人的生命,他们的功劳是不可磨灭的。
- The color alone, railroad engineers reasoned, should give people cause to pause, to abide by the signal, and to stop or suffer the consequences of death and destruction. 铁路工程师们推断,红色本身就提醒人们暂停,或呆在该信号旁边,或停止前进,否则将会遭受死亡或损毁的后果。
- Before his interest in aviation, Chanute was a well respected railroad engineer who designed and constructed the Chicago stockyards and the Kansas City stockyards. 在以航空为志趣之前,夏尼特是一个很有名望的铁路工程师,他设计修造了芝加哥和堪萨斯城的牲畜围栏。
- Railroad trains and buses are public conveyances. 火车和公共汽车是公共交通工具。
- We walked as far as the railroad station. 我们走到火车站那样远的地方。
- A host of friend meet him at the railroad station. 一大群朋友在火车站迎接他。
- The engines are driven by steam. 这些发动机是由蒸汽驱动的。
- We will send the goods by railroad. 我们将用铁路运输货物。
- Birds cause damage when they fly into engines. 鸟儿如果冲撞到引擎上就会造成损坏。
- Have they broken ground for the new railroad? 他们有没有开工建造那条铁路?