- The strike will cause some dislocation of rail traffic. 这次罢工会给铁路交通造成一定的混乱。
- We knew that the food sitution in Italy had worsened as rail traffic was disrupted. 我们获悉意大利的粮食供应由于铁路运输停顿而每况愈下。
- We knew that the food situation in Italy had worsened as rail traffic was disrupted. 我们获悉意大利的粮食供应由于铁路运输停顿而每况愈下。
- Traction calculation of trains is one the important composing of the whole urban rail traffic. 列车牵引计算是整个城市轨道交通的重要组成部分。
- The Tsing Ma Bridge,with a main span of almost 1.4 kilometres,is the world's longest suspension bridge carrying both road and rail traffic. 青马大桥的主跨距约为1.;4公里,是世界上最长一条兼有公路及铁路的吊桥。
- The Tsing Ma Bridge, with a main span of almost 1.4 kilometres, is the world's longest suspension bridge carrying both road and rail traffic. 青马大桥的主跨距约为1.;4公里,是世界上最长一条兼有公路及铁路的吊桥。
- Shanghai Xujiahui junction station is the only large type transfer junction station of 3 urban lines in the network of Shanghai rail traffic. 轨道交通徐家汇枢纽是上海市轨道交通网络中唯一的一个3条市域线交汇的大型换乘枢纽。
- With Light Rail traffic is convenient, easily accessible, whether they meet your requirements, not the developers, or my house, the light is on the side of a certain convenience. 有了轻轨交通肯定方便了,交通方便,你自己是否可以满足要求,并不是这个开发商,或者说我这个小区,旁边有轻轨就一定方便。
- As the rail traffic of modem cities, passenger flow of subway is becoming larger and larger, so it is of great importance for subway safety management to study sub-train fire. 地铁作为现代化的城市轨道交通工具,承担着越来越重要的大客流运输任务。
- As the rail traffic of modern cities,passenger flow of subway is becoming larger and larger,so it is of great importance for subway safety management to study sub-train fire. 针对地铁浅埋岛式站台列车火灾情况,利用数值模拟-场模拟方法,研究浅埋岛式站点内烟气横向流动和不同站层间的烟气纵向蔓延规律。
- The rail traffic network in Shanghai has been undergoing a rapid construction. At present, one maglev train and five railway traffic routes have been put into operation. 上海的轨道交通网络建设快速,目前已经有一条高速磁悬浮铁路和五条轨道交通线路运行通车。
- This article presentsthe design in consideration of acoustics, struc- ture and strength and test results of the sound barrier for Shenmin RailTransit Line in Shanghai, and offers rational suggestions for the methods to lower the noise from rail traffic. 简要介绍上海市莘闵轨道交通线声屏障工程基于声学、构造、强度等方面的设计概念以及降噪测试效果,针对降低轨道交通噪声的方法提出合理建议。
- The disruption of road and rail traffic, so often experienced when a flyover , an underpass or a service is being constructed, can be minimized in those constructions incorporating prefabrication. 如果在建造立交桥、地下通道或服务设施采用预制结构,就会把经常发生的公路或铁路交通的中断情况降低到最小程度。
- The disruption of road and rail traffic, so often experienced when a flyover, an underpass or a service is being constructed, can be minimized in those constructions incorporating prefabrication. 如果在建造立交桥、地下通道或服务设施采用预制结构,就会把经常发生的公路或铁路交通的中断情况降低到最小程度。
- This paper may offer a scientific basis and means to make a reasonable program of light rail traffic system in order to protect from and reduce the noise of LRT which is rising in our country. 为我国正在兴起的轻轨交通系统规划建设中合理采取防噪、降噪措施提供科学依据和手段。
- It's cheaper to ship goods by road than by rail. 公路运输比铁路运输便宜。
- The rush hour traffic is murder. 交通高峰时间真是难以忍受之事
- Noise Reduction for Sound Barrier in Rail Traffic 针对声屏障的轨道交通的降噪研究
- The black sedan suddenly drew out into the traffic. 黑色轿车突然开动,驶进了车流。
- The new road will soon be opened to traffic. 这条新马路不久就可通车。