- This depends on the precise radio frequency of the 21-cm wavelength, or 1420 megacycles per second. 这种通迅联系要靠21厘料波段,即每秒1420兆周的精确无线电频率。
- The numerical difference between the upper and lower frequencies of a band of electromagnetic radiation, especially an assigned range of radio frequencies. 带宽电磁辐射频带中高频与低频之间的数值差,尤指某设定的无线电频率范围
- Passage of radiation through a medium without change of frequency of its monochromatic components. 不改变辐射的单色成分的频率而使该辐射被表面或媒质返回的过程。
- Methods collected the clinical material of 165 patients treated nosebleed by Radio frequency of plasma. 方法总结165例临床利用等离子低温射频治疗仪治疗鼻出血病例资料,总结其护理要点。
- Change of the spatial distribution of a beam of radiation when it is deviated in many directions by a surface or by a medium, without change of frequency of its monochromatic components. 光束被某一表面或介质改变为多种方向,而不改变其单色光的频率时,所发生的空间光分布的改变。
- Vulnerable to radio frequency radiation interference. 易受射频辐射的干扰。
- a single frequency of radiation in a spectrum 在辐射光谱中的单一频率
- radio frequency of identification 射频识别
- In the accident, the workers received a heavy dose of radiation. 在这次事故中,工人受到大剂量的辐射。
- The question raised by radio frequencies - microwaves or radio frequencies of the UHF or VHF band - was whether the electromagnetic could have a similar effect at very low levels. 无线电频率,微波,或者超高无线电频率(VHF)所带来的疑问是电磁环境在非常低能量的状态下是否也会引发类似的效果。
- The body cannot tolerate such large amounts of radiation. 身体经不住那么大剂量的放射线。
- radio frequency of identification (RFID) 射频识别
- We can often correlate age with frequency of illness. 年龄的大小往往与发病率有关。
- Two different techniques of radiation were used. 人们采用两种不同的照射技术。
- This radio signal has a frequency of 800000 cycles per second. 这个无线电讯号的频率是每秒八百千周。
- Most people are scared of radiation. 一般人对辐射都存有恐惧。
- Frontiers of radiation therapy and oncology. 放射治疗和肿瘤学新领域。
- RF Radio Frequency Level Controller. RF系列射频导纳式物位控制器。
- Even low doses of radiation are dangerous. 即使低剂量的辐射也是危险的。