- radiative transport equation 辐射传输方程
- A Numerical Method for Solving Radiation Transport Equation on Lagrangian Mesh 任意四边形网格上解辐射输运方程的一种数值方法
- multi-group radiation transport equations 多群辐射输运方程
- radiation transport equation 辐射输送方程
- And the gas residence time distribution of the separator was studied by using scalar transport equation. 并且用标量输运方程研究了气体在旋流快分器内停留时间的分布规律。
- It is based on the transport equation of energy for a ray to traverse through a translucency material. 因此,对数据场进行交互的可选择的可视化操作是非常重要的。
- The phase-space finite element method is applied to the multigroup neutron transport equation in cylindrical critical systems. 本文采用相空间有限元方法求解了柱形临界多群中子输运问题。
- Poynting's energy transport equation required the simultaneous and coincident existence of both an electric and a magnetic field vector. 所需的能量传输方程求解波印亭矢量相同时,存在着一个电场和磁场的向量。
- Therefore, radiation transport is efficient enough to bring the energy almost all the way to the stellar surface. Hence the star will have a radiative shell and a convective core. 在这些星体较外层的气体仍然很热和比较透明所以辐射传播是一个有效的传递方法结果是这些恒星会有一个对流核心和辐射外壳。
- In this paper we discuss the minimum norm control problems of nuclear reactor systems governed by the monoenergetic steady-state isotropic transport equation. 摘要讨论核反应堆系统散射裂变截面的最小范数控制问题。
- Using the transport equation for nematic liq-uid, the orientational motion of fiber spinning flow of liq-uid crystalline polymer (LC) is studied, including steadyand unsteady flows. 在取向运动输运方程基础上,研究液晶高分子纺丝拉伸流动取向特征、定常取向运动和非定常运动。
- The mixing process in the stirred tank with a single Rushton turbine was examined by solving the transport equation of the tracer based on the numerical simulation of the whole flow field. 结果表明:搅拌转速和搅拌桨安装位置都影响混合时间的大小,而进料位置对混合时间的影响不大。
- In order to establish the mathematical model for groundwater pollution in a leaky aquifer system, a solute transport equation in consideration of the leakage and pumping is presented. 为建立越流含水层系统地下水污染的数学模型,本文导出了包括越流项和井流项的溶质运移方程。
- In this article. we discuss the optimal control problems of the scattering cross section on nuclear reactor systems govened by the monoenergetic steady-state isotropic transport equation. 本文讨论基子单速平板几何各向同性、带广义自反边界条件迁移方程所支配的原子核反应堆系统散射截面的最优控制问题。
- In this paper, the conditions under which the supersonic radiation transport was diffusive were investigated in the case of an external radiation source with constant temperature. 分析得出:对于一个固定的恒温外源,随着时间的增加,热波波头位置是随时间的平方根增长的,光学厚度正比于波头位置,也是随时间而逐渐增加的;
- The model of astringency was very well to the complex multiphase flow and result of transportation equation, with accuracy superior to the other models. 故模型对于复杂的多相流流动,输运方程的解收敛性很好,其精度相对其它模型要高。
- Based on turbulent kinetic energy and the rate of turbulent dissipation transport equations,the equation to calculate variance of the refractivity fluctuation is modeled. 根据湍流的动能和动能耗散率输运方程 ,建立了折射率起伏方差的计算模型。
- The code solves the convective transport equations using finite different method based on the Flux-Corrected-Transport (FCT) algorithm. 该程序采用基于通量修正算法的有限差分格式编写。
- This paper sets typical solute transport equations of groundwater as an example,simulates it and visualizes the computed result with IDL programs. 本文结合地下水溶质运移典型问题的实例,利用IDL进行了数值模拟和计算结果的可视化。
- The numerical method is employed to solve the coupled colloid and radionuclide transport equations under nonequilibrium sorption assumption. 而另一方面吸附于岩层之不可移动胶体的量越多,也将阻滞核种的传输。