- radiative transfer coolers 辐射传递致冷器
- RICHARD C.HASKELLI,Lars O.Svaasand,et al.,Boundary conditions for the diffusion equation in radiative transfer[J].J Opt Soc Am A 1994,11(10):2727 2741. 张睿;刘小林;鲍鸿吉;等.;边界条件对生物组织漫射光时域模拟计算的影响[J]
- Calculation of the single scattering albedo in the radiative transfer equation[J]. 引用该论文 杨春平;吴健;万敏;冷杰;付娴娴;贺秀兰.
- The comparison of this method with an accurate DISORT-based radiative transfer model has been done. 该反演算法形式简单,只包含很少几个可从卫星测量获得的参数。
- As the emissivity increases, the radiative transfer increases, and hence the fluid flow and heat transfer increases. 在几何外型上,较大的长宽比,其热传效果较差,但流体速度及平均温度较高;
- Satellite Data Assimilation in Numerical Weather Prediction Models. Part I: Forward Radiative Transfer and Jacobian Modeling in Cloudy Atmospheres. 数值预报模式中卫星资料同化,第一部分:有云大气中的向前辐射传输和雅可比模。
- Simulation of the AHMAD radiative transfer model on determination of the aerosol optical character with water pixel of MODIS image. 该方法首先借助AHMAD辐射传输模型,由MODIS图像的水体像元反演出气溶胶的光学特性;
- The equation of radiative transfer in graded index medium can be taken as a special kind of convection-dominated equation. 梯度折射率介质内的辐射传递方程可以看作是一类特殊的对流型方程,对流项的存在能够引起解的非物理振荡。
- It also presents a numerical simulation of vector radiative transfer equations with multiple scattering for a vegetation/snow model at SSM/I channels. 本文还给出了大气和农作物地表矢量辐射传输的数值模拟结果。
- The radiative transfer theory of Stokes vectors is developed to study multiple-scattering, propagation, and thermal emission in random media. 本文讨论了极化电磁波在随机介质中多次散射,传输和热辐射的斯托克斯矢量的辐射传输理论。
- Numerical results show that the entropy generation due to radiative transfer can not be omitted in combustion processes. 结果表明对含有辐射换热的传热过程进行热力学分析时,辐射熵产不能忽略。
- Radiative transfer equation (RTE) in cartesian coordinates can be considered as a special kind of convective- diffusive equation with strong convection characteristics. 直角坐标系下的辐射传递方程可以看作一类特殊的对流扩散方程,且具有强对流特性。
- Equation of radiative transfer can best describe the mechanism of the degraded image in fog and be used widely in the research of fog degraded phenomena. 辐射传输方程能够很好地阐述雾天景物成像退化的物理机理,是研究雾天退化时经常采用的模型。
- Abstract: Radiative transfer equation (RTE) in Cartesian coordinates can be considered as a special kind of convective-diffusive equation and is convection dominated. 文章摘要: 直角坐标系下的辐射传递方程可以看作一类特殊的对流扩散方程,且具有强对流特性。
- However, if the polarization of the scattering light or the high accuracy of numerical simulation is considered, the vector radiative transfer equation need to be solved. 当考虑散射光的偏振或者是有高精度要求时,需用矢量辐射传输方程。
- XIA Xin-Lin, HUANG Yong, TAN He-Ping. Radiative transfer inside a linearly graded index semi-transparent slab: gray substrate wall and specular semi-transparent surface [J]. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves. (夏新林,黄勇,谈和平。灰壁面与镜反射界面下线性折射率半透明平板内的辐射传递。红外与毫米波学报)。
- The radiative transfer in a two dimensional rectangular domain of absorbing medium was taken as an example, an introduction to the BSMC method was presented and the statistical error was analyzed. 以二维矩形区域内吸收性介质的热辐射传递为例,介绍了BSMC的求解过程,分析了其计算误差。
- By numerical simulation, the results of radiative transfer factor and radiative equilibrium temperature predicted by the BSMC method were compared with those obtained by the TMC method. 通过数值模拟,从辐射传递因子计算结果的倒易性满足程度与辐射平衡温度场两方面,将BSMC法与传统的蒙特卡罗法(TMC法)进行了比较。
- The key issue in external calibration of microwave radiometer on board satellite is the determination of brightness temperature on the pupil of antenna by using radiative transfer equation. 星载微波辐射计外定标的关键问题是通过辐射传输方程计算天线入瞳处亮温。
- By using iterative method to solve the vector radiative transfer equation of discrete scatters with two scale model of rough sea surfaces, we obtain the Zeroth- and First- order analytical function. 利用矢量辐射传输(VRT)理论,求解具有双尺度随机粗糙界面的离散球形粒子的VRT方程。用迭代法求出零阶和一阶解的解析表达式。